something not easy to get over
发布时间:2019-03-04 10:43:19
yesterday, I was working at pizza hut as usual,then the manager told me to deal with the guest of table 11, at that moment,my feeling was complicated, glad and regretful.....I went to the table, it's a young man, and he wanted the tomato sauce, but I bring him the tomato paste,of crouse, I didn't konw the difference between them ...I search it when I back to, I come into a foreigner, who was trying to open the door of nusery, so I want to help,and without speaking, I start to open the door for her ,the result is that the door still closed....I keeping think these things, what if ,my oral English is well....
yesterday, I was working at pizza hut as usual,then the manager told me to deal with the guest of table 11, at that moment,my feeling was complicated, glad and regretful.....I went to the table, it's a young man, and he wanted the tomato sauce, but I bring him the tomato paste,of crouse, I didn't konw the difference between them ...I search it when I back to, I come into a foreigner, who was trying to open the door of nusery, so I want to help,and without speaking, I start to open the door for her ,the result is that the door still closed....I keeping think these things, what if ,my oral English is well....
你的眼,你的眉,你的身影已随轻轻的风四处分飞,亲爱的我多想把你紧紧的握在手心。 你的眼,你的泪,你的美,在那个忧伤的夜,就象那杯苦咖啡,将我的心深深占据,让我...[全文阅读]
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本文标题:something not easy to get over