why do I always go to concerts when I’m feeling like shit_随笔日记_诗歌大全


why do I always go to concerts when I’m feeling like shit

发布时间:2019-03-08 12:17:55

Wow imagine someone gorgeous coming home to you wasted and reeks of cigarettes and you’re really glad to see that they’re safe home at the very least. I thought about that one time Seng came by all drunk and smells like cigarette and I don’t know.. I just smile to myself. I know... it’s not exactly romantic or what not and it’s probably gross to some people cuz they smell bad but something about that makes me feel nice on the inside. I think about him sometimes. And the times we shared. Wow it was crazy how all those days that I was there... he was there for all of it. It’s amazing.. he doing that for me. Wow. It’s been 42 days since he’s been gone. A month went by already... Jesus that’s really crazy. And I’m not a stalker or anything okay. I just checked steam today and it says last login was 42 days ago okay I’m not counting the days like some crazy lady. The more I think about him. The more I think about us. I don’t know we are a good fit for each other honestly. I think I highkey annoy him LOL. I do admit I’m pretty annoying tho. I’m also not as mature as him on so many levels. I think we were a fling. Temporary feelings towards one another. Dissipated with time. I think we are better as friends than something more. Yea.. he was right. My feelings towards him did change. But did his? I don’t know. He’s clear on his feelings. And I’ve made my decision too. I guess we will see when we meet again. Man... why do I always go to concerts when I’m feeling like shit. Ugh. I’m really debating whether if I wanna go tbh... If I go, I’m legit pity party in there. On the other hand... how can miss cupcakKe tho... AHHHH I DONT KNOW
Wow imagine someone gorgeous coming home to you wasted and reeks of cigarettes and you’re really glad to see that they’re safe home at the very least. I thought about that one time Seng came by all drunk and smells like cigarette and I don’t know.. I just smile to myself. I know... it’s not exactly romantic or what not and it’s probably gross to some people cuz they smell bad but something about that makes me feel nice on the inside. I think about him sometimes. And the times we shared. Wow it was crazy how all those days that I was there... he was there for all of it. It’s amazing.. he doing that for me. Wow. It’s been 42 days since he’s been gone. A month went by already... Jesus that’s really crazy. And I’m not a stalker or anything okay. I just checked steam today and it says last login was 42 days ago okay I’m not counting the days like some crazy lady. The more I think about him. The more I think about us. I don’t know we are a good fit for each other honestly. I think I highkey annoy him LOL. I do admit I’m pretty annoying tho. I’m also not as mature as him on so many levels. I think we were a fling. Temporary feelings towards one another. Dissipated with time. I think we are better as friends than something more. Yea.. he was right. My feelings towards him did change. But did his? I don’t know. He’s clear on his feelings. And I’ve made my decision too. I guess we will see when we meet again. Man... why do I always go to concerts when I’m feeling like shit. Ugh. I’m really debating whether if I wanna go tbh... If I go, I’m legit pity party in there. On the other hand... how can miss cupcakKe tho... AHHHH I DONT KNOW


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本文标题:why do I always go to concerts when I’m feeling like shit






