发布时间:2020-02-16 23:36:22
閑暇時,我會倚在桉樹旁,靜靜地看一片片落葉如何唯美地落下。 In my spare time, I wouldl lean on the side of eucalyptus and quietly watch the falling leaf spiralled to the ground.
閑暇時,我會跑到空曠的頂樓上,憂郁地聽風訴說天荒地老的悲傷。 In my spare time, I would go to the top floor of the empty, listening to everlasting and melancholy sound from the wind.
閑暇時,我會站在傾城的月光中,微笑着幻想嫦娥奔月的美好。 In my spare time, I would stand in the allure moonlight and recall the story "Chang Er flying to the moon" with a beautiful smile.
閑暇時,我會奔跑在環形的運動場上,盡情地收獲身心的愉悅。 In my spare time, I would run in the circular playing field and enjoyed physical and mental pleasure.
閑暇時,我會和朋友們于觥俦交錯間,把酒言歡,互訴衷腸。 In my spare time, friends and I would have a drink and talk about life with each others.
閑暇時,我會和朋友,漫步在幽靜的小徑上,看那雲卷雲舒,花開花落。 In my spare time, friends and I would have a stroll on the quiet trail, watching clouds scud across the sky and flowers bloom and fade.
閑暇時,我會靜靜的聆聽優美的音樂,陶醉于曲中唯美的意境,陪伴那旋律或喜或悲 In my spare time, I would quietly listen to beautiful music, enjoy melody whether they are happy or sad, and then revel in the beautiful mood. 閑暇時,我會不經意想起過往的種種,淚珠在不經意間落下,浸潤了一個季節。 In my spare time, I would inadvertently think of all the past, tears falling unwittingly, and indulge in bad mood for a long time.
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朋友,當你閑暇時,你在做什麽?有沒有想起曾經的故事,有沒有想起有點傻裏傻氣的我? Friends, what are you doing in leisure time? Have you recalled the time we had spent tegether? Or have you remember me, a little bit silly boy?
闲暇时,我会倚在桉树旁,静静地看一片片落叶如何唯美地落下。 In my spare time, I wouldl lean on the side of eucalyptus and quietly watch the falling leaf spiralled to the ground.
闲暇时,我会跑到空旷的顶楼上,忧郁地听风诉说天荒地老的悲伤。 In my spare time, I would go to the top floor of the empty, listening to everlasting and melancholy sound from the wind.
闲暇时,我会站在倾城的月光中,微笑着幻想嫦娥奔月的美好。 In my spare time, I would stand in the allure moonlight and recall the story "Chang Er flying to the moon" with a beautiful smile.
闲暇时,我会奔跑在环形的运动场上,尽情地收获身心的愉悦。 In my spare time, I would run in the circular playing field and enjoyed physical and mental pleasure.
闲暇时,我会和朋友们于觥俦交错间,把酒言欢,互诉衷肠。 In my spare time, friends and I would have a drink and talk about life with each others.
闲暇时,我会和朋友,漫步在幽静的小径上,看那云卷云舒,花开花落。 In my spare time, friends and I would have a stroll on the quiet trail, watching clouds scud across the sky and flowers bloom and fade.
闲暇时,我会静静的聆听优美的音乐,陶醉于曲中唯美的意境,陪伴那旋律或喜或悲 In my spare time, I would quietly listen to beautiful music, enjoy melody whether they are happy or sad, and then revel in the beautiful mood. 闲暇时,我会不经意想起过往的种种,泪珠在不经意间落下,浸润了一个季节。 In my spare time, I would inadvertently think of all the past, tears falling unwittingly, and indulge in bad mood for a long time.
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朋友,当你闲暇时,你在做什么?有没有想起曾经的故事,有没有想起有点傻里傻气的我? Friends, what are you doing in leisure time? Have you recalled the time we had spent tegether? Or have you remember me, a little bit silly boy?
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