发布时间:2019-09-02 12:44:07
Through this piece of Gobi‘s long
(poetry / original)
Author: Ouyang Xinyue
厚重的雲層 瘋襲着沙漠
Heavy clouds over a desert
戈壁 似乎 又一次 迎來挑戰
Gobi seems to be a challenge
冬季的沙塵暴 狂襲過沙漠
Sandstorms across winter across the desert
遺留下來的 就是一片凄涼和荒漠
The legacy is a bleak and desert
雲彩 變了脾氣和顔色
The clouds changed temper and color
灰青色的臉蛋 面朝着大地
Gray blue face toward the earth
不管你 是否能夠接受
Regardless of whether you can accept
它們都不會 顧及你的情緒
They won‘t care about your feelings
趕走了 一冬季的暴風雪和沙塵
Get rid of a winter storm and dust
它們的個性 它們的個性
Their personality and their personality
一直也沒有 太多的改變
Has not changed much
隻要向往戈壁 隻要向往沙漠
As long as the yearning for Gobi as long as the yearning for desert
它們就毫不顧及 飄落原野
They disregard falling fields
坦然地飛落 淡定的奔跑
Run down calmly calmly
目睹着沙塵暴 洗禮之後
Witnessing the sand storm baptism
戈壁灘 似乎 安靜了許多
Gobi seems quiet a lot
遠瞧着 沙塵暴 走遠之後
After much watched sandstorm go far
沙漠裏 似乎 也甯靜了許多
The desert seems quiet a lot
穿越過 這一片漫長的戈壁
Through this a long Gobi
現如今 已經聽不見
Now can not hear
孤狼向蒼天 狂吼叫喊的聲音
The lone wolf roar cries to heaven
現如今 也看不見 群狼們
Now can not see the wolves‘
果敢地 勇猛地 笑傲江湖的蹤影
Bold intrepidly The Legendary Swordsman
瞬間裏 我隻看見 沙漠冷冰冰的
I only see the desert cold moment
如死水般的寂寞 寂寞
Such as backwater like lonely lonely
我隻看 冬天漸漸遠去的背影
I just watched the winter receding figure
穿越 這一片漫長的戈壁
Through this a long Gobi
我在 一望無際的沙漠裏
I stretch as far as eye can see the desert
靜等着 春暖花開的春天天使
Waiting the spring spring angel
穿越過 這一片漫長的戈壁
Through this a long Gobi
我似乎 回歸到 回歸到了
I seem to return to return to
Datang dream general a quality suggestive of poetry or painting
Through this piece of Gobi‘s long
(poetry / original)
Author: Ouyang Xinyue
厚重的云层 疯袭着沙漠
Heavy clouds over a desert
戈壁 似乎 又一次 迎来挑战
Gobi seems to be a challenge
Sandstorms across winter across the desert
遗留下来的 就是一片凄凉和荒漠
The legacy is a bleak and desert
云彩 变了脾气和颜色
The clouds changed temper and color
灰青色的脸蛋 面朝着大地
Gray blue face toward the earth
不管你 是否能够接受
Regardless of whether you can accept
它们都不会 顾及你的情绪
They won‘t care about your feelings
Get rid of a winter storm and dust
它们的个性 它们的个性
Their personality and their personality
一直也没有 太多的改变
Has not changed much
只要向往戈壁 只要向往沙漠
As long as the yearning for Gobi as long as the yearning for desert
它们就毫不顾及 飘落原野
They disregard falling fields
坦然地飞落 淡定的奔跑
Run down calmly calmly
目睹着沙尘暴 洗礼之后
Witnessing the sand storm baptism
戈壁滩 似乎 安静了许多
Gobi seems quiet a lot
远瞧着 沙尘暴 走远之后
After much watched sandstorm go far
沙漠里 似乎 也宁静了许多
The desert seems quiet a lot
穿越过 这一片漫长的戈壁
Through this a long Gobi
现如今 已经听不见
Now can not hear
孤狼向苍天 狂吼叫喊的声音
The lone wolf roar cries to heaven
现如今 也看不见 群狼们
Now can not see the wolves‘
果敢地 勇猛地 笑傲江湖的踪影
Bold intrepidly The Legendary Swordsman
瞬间里 我只看见 沙漠冷冰冰的
I only see the desert cold moment
如死水般的寂寞 寂寞
Such as backwater like lonely lonely
我只看 冬天渐渐远去的背影
I just watched the winter receding figure
穿越 这一片漫长的戈壁
Through this a long Gobi
我在 一望无际的沙漠里
I stretch as far as eye can see the desert
Waiting the spring spring angel
穿越过 这一片漫长的戈壁
Through this a long Gobi
我似乎 回归到 回归到了
I seem to return to return to
Datang dream general a quality suggestive of poetry or painting