Last  Fantasyland_英文诗歌_诗歌大全


Last Fantasyland

发布时间:2019-10-22 01:34:25


Last FantasylandWhat thou wandering in the flowers hast never known.Youth was dying in the pale moan.I opened my eyes no longer bright.Frost wind, no tears, butterflies waving its wings broken.Adieu!Adieu!The promises at the starry night!In the green valley and stream, dreams had been forgotten!When January haze blights thy sunshine dimple.As ever, wind chimes in Indian summer lonely jingle.最後的幻象你在花叢中徜徉,從未知曉。青春已在蒼白的呻吟中逝去。我睜開不再明亮的眼睛,霜風,沒有淚水,蝴蝶揮動殘缺的翅膀。遠去了!遠去了!星子下的誓約!在碧綠的溪谷間,夢想已被遺忘!當一月的陰霾摧殘你陽光的笑靥,隻有晚秋風鈴依舊空寂的叮當。

Last FantasylandWhat thou wandering in the flowers hast never known.Youth was dying in the pale moan.I opened my eyes no longer bright.Frost wind, no tears, butterflies waving its wings broken.Adieu!Adieu!The promises at the starry night!In the green valley and stream, dreams had been forgotten!When January haze blights thy sunshine dimple.As ever, wind chimes in Indian summer lonely jingle.最后的幻象你在花丛中徜徉,从未知晓。青春已在苍白的呻吟中逝去。我睁开不再明亮的眼睛,霜风,没有泪水,蝴蝶挥动残缺的翅膀。远去了!远去了!星子下的誓约!在碧绿的溪谷间,梦想已被遗忘!当一月的阴霾摧残你阳光的笑靥,只有晚秋风铃依旧空寂的叮当。

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本文标题:Last Fantasyland


上一篇:i don’t know whether i wrong

下一篇:the leaves fall



