


发布时间:2019-09-22 01:55:27


I met you,你我相遇,Met is the fate arrangement.是緣分安排的邂逅。The vast,茫茫中,You are the wind, is a cloud,你,是風,是雲,Messy my entire can‘t.淩亂了我整個浮生。Late summer or early autumn,夏末秋初,I met you, to know each other also fell in love.你我相識、相知亦相戀。If,如果Each star represents a wish,每顆星代表一個祝福,I would like to give you the whole sky.我願給你整個星空。You are, you are reading,你是執,你是念,You are from collapse, is the first,你是離殇,是初見,You is I this life the most beautiful encounter.你是我今生最美的相遇。

I met you,你我相遇,Met is the fate arrangement.是缘分安排的邂逅。The vast,茫茫中,You are the wind, is a cloud,你,是风,是云,Messy my entire can‘t.凌乱了我整个浮生。Late summer or early autumn,夏末秋初,I met you, to know each other also fell in love.你我相识、相知亦相恋。If,如果Each star represents a wish,每颗星代表一个祝福,I would like to give you the whole sky.我愿给你整个星空。You are, you are reading,你是执,你是念,You are from collapse, is the first,你是离殇,是初见,You is I this life the most beautiful encounter.你是我今生最美的相遇

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