


发布时间:2020-06-18 11:42:08


  I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.   今夜我可以寫出最傷心的詩,

  Write, for instance: "The night is full of stars,   比如寫下:"夜空布滿了星辰,  and the stars, blue, shiver in the distance."   發藍的群星在遠方抖顫。"

  The night wind whirls in the sky and sings.   夜間的風在空中盤旋,歌唱。  I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.   今夜我可以寫出最傷心的詩。  I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.   我愛過她,有時她也愛過我。

  On nights like this,   許多像今天的夜晚,  I held her in my arms.   我把她摟在懷中。  I kissed her so many times under the infinite sky.   在無邊的天空下,我無數次地吻過她。

  She loved me, sometimes I loved her.   她愛過我,有時我也愛過她。  How could I not have loved her large, still eyes?   怎麼沒愛上她那專注的大眼睛呢?

  I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.   今夜我可以寫出最傷心的詩。  To think I don't have her. .   想想我已經沒有了她,  To feel that I've lost her.   失去她我會難過。

  To hear the immense night,   我感到夜空漫漫,  more immense without her.   沒有她更加漫漫。  And the poem falls to the soul as dew to grass.   詩歌落到心田猶如露水落到草原。

  What does it matter that my love couldn't keep her.   我的愛不能留住她又有何妨。  The night is full of stars and she is not with me.   夜空布滿星群,她已不在我身旁。

  That's all. Far away, someone sings. Far away.   這就是一切。遠方有人在歌唱。在遠方。  My soul is lost without her.   失去了她,我打心底裏不痛快。不痛快。

  As if to bring her near,   似乎是爲了接近她,  my eyes search for her.   我的目光在尋找她。  My heart searches for her   我的心在尋找她,  and she is not with me.   可她已不在我的身旁。

  The same night that whitens the same trees.   同是今宵使得同樣的樹木泛出白光。  We, we who were,   我倆,同是我倆,  we are the same no longer.   已不再是同樣的我倆。

  I no longer love her, true,   的确,我已經不再愛她,  but how much I loved her.   可是我曾經多麼愛她喲。  My voice searched the wind   我的心聲在尋找著和風,  to touch her ear.   爲的是能吹進她的耳中。

  Someone else's. She will be someone else's.   屬於别人,她将屬於别人。  As she once, belonged to my kisses.   如同在我親吻之前。  Her voice, her light body.   她的聲音,她那鮮亮的身軀。  Her infinite eyes.   她那不可測的眼睛。

  I no longer love her, true,   的确,我已經不再愛她,   but perhaps I love her.   可是說不定我還喜歡她。  Love is so short   愛情是如此短暫,  and oblivion so long.   可是遺忘卻如此長久。

  Because on nights like this  因爲像今天這樣的夜晚,  I held her in my arms,   我曾經把她摟在懷中。  my soul is lost without her.   失去她,我打心底裏不痛快。不痛快。

  Although this may be the last pain she causes me,   盡管這或許是她最後一次讓我痛苦。  and this may be the last poem I write for her.   盡管這或許是我爲她寫下的最後的歌。




  I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.   今夜我可以写出最伤心的诗,

  Write, for instance: "The night is full of stars,   比如写下:"夜空布满了星辰,  and the stars, blue, shiver in the distance."   发蓝的群星在远方抖颤。"

  The night wind whirls in the sky and sings.   夜间的风在空中盘旋,歌唱。  I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.   今夜我可以写出最伤心的诗。  I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.   我爱过她,有时她也爱过我。

  On nights like this,   许多像今天的夜晚,  I held her in my arms.   我把她搂在怀中。  I kissed her so many times under the infinite sky.   在无边的天空下,我无数次地吻过她。

  She loved me, sometimes I loved her.   她爱过我,有时我也爱过她。  How could I not have loved her large, still eyes?   怎麼没爱上她那专注的大眼睛呢?

  I can write the saddest poem of all tonight.   今夜我可以写出最伤心的诗。  To think I don't have her. .   想想我已经没有了她,  To feel that I've lost her.   失去她我会难过

  To hear the immense night,   我感到夜空漫漫,  more immense without her.   没有她更加漫漫。  And the poem falls to the soul as dew to grass.   诗歌落到心田犹如露水落到草原。

  What does it matter that my love couldn't keep her.   我的爱不能留住她又有何妨。  The night is full of stars and she is not with me.   夜空布满星群,她已不在我身旁。

  That's all. Far away, someone sings. Far away.   这就是一切。远方有人在歌唱。在远方。  My soul is lost without her.   失去了她,我打心底裏不痛快。不痛快。

  As if to bring her near,   似乎是为了接近她,  my eyes search for her.   我的目光在寻找她。  My heart searches for her   我的心在寻找她,  and she is not with me.   可她已不在我的身旁。

  The same night that whitens the same trees.   同是今宵使得同样的树木泛出白光。  We, we who were,   我俩,同是我俩,  we are the same no longer.   已不再是同样的我俩。

  I no longer love her, true,   的确,我已经不再爱她,  but how much I loved her.   可是我曾经多麼爱她哟。  My voice searched the wind   我的心声在寻找著和风,  to touch her ear.   为的是能吹进她的耳中。

  Someone else's. She will be someone else's.   属於别人,她将属於别人。  As she once, belonged to my kisses.   如同在我亲吻之前。  Her voice, her light body.   她的声音,她那鲜亮的身躯。  Her infinite eyes.   她那不可测的眼睛。

  I no longer love her, true,   的确,我已经不再爱她,   but perhaps I love her.   可是说不定我还喜欢她。  Love is so short   爱情是如此短暂,  and oblivion so long.   可是遗忘却如此长久。

  Because on nights like this  因为像今天这样的夜晚,  I held her in my arms,   我曾经把她搂在怀中。  my soul is lost without her.   失去她,我打心底裏不痛快。不痛快。

  Although this may be the last pain she causes me,   尽管这或许是她最后一次让我痛苦。  and this may be the last poem I write for her.   尽管这或许是我为她写下的最后的歌





  不想说什么,因为我不能说什么,你的沉默就像夜晚的大海,而我就是溺水的人,我拼命的想要游离你,最后却还是只能陷入无边的黑暗和刺骨的海水中。    -------题记...[全文阅读]


  我的的承诺    我把你抱的很紧,是不想失去你    我拉着你的手不放,是想知道你就在我身边    我把你的头放在我肩膀,是想让你知道我可以给你安全  ...[全文阅读]


不论早集晚集,我都尝试过。在赶集中我感触到了赶集的辛苦和劳累。这让我不得不执起笔,写出赶集的感受。    以前,我也从事过这种生活,在我初中还没有毕业前,我就和...[全文阅读]






  他,笨笨,    用温热的唇,    轻轻地,热烈的,    吻醒我沉睡已久却不敢释放的渴望,    闭上眼,    用双臂,顺势环抱着他露在黑色毛衣外的脖子,  ...[全文阅读]



上一篇:如果爱,请深爱... 爱了 就别放手......




