that i can make a living_柔情日记_诗歌大全


that i can make a living

发布时间:2019-02-19 12:04:06

since this year,i seldom lost his temper,and even a few times, puzzling temper,i don't care about,not angry.also not to pursue,after this before in my temper,may be unthinkable,but well,i really don't want to waste your mood and energy in the quarrel and angry,find direction,on the other hand,i think i have to think about it,but i make the goal,to have their own business before it is 36 years old,the realization of the indirect financial freedom,have to work,then there are only two directions,one is to do their own career,such as fashion magazines,such as luxury goods management,such as art management,such as fashion buying,sunch as the designer,such as start-up,such as the five top foreign companies,like this,another is doing top,in the field of my promotion is certain,the key is to have a bigger platform better opportunities to acquire the belt project alone,contact national resources and contacts,with the right people,more excellent,long knowledge,another one is my hobbies and skills,which are also very important,hobbies should be learned,studied and praticed,skills should be learned in a few years,so that i can make a living.
since this year,i seldom lost his temper,and even a few times, puzzling temper,i don't care about,not angry.also not to pursue,after this before in my temper,may be unthinkable,but well,i really don't want to waste your mood and energy in the quarrel and angry,find direction,on the other hand,i think i have to think about it,but i make the goal,to have their own business before it is 36 years old,the realization of the indirect financial freedom,have to work,then there are only two directions,one is to do their own career,such as fashion magazines,such as luxury goods management,such as art management,such as fashion buying,sunch as the designer,such as start-up,such as the five top foreign companies,like this,another is doing top,in the field of my promotion is certain,the key is to have a bigger platform better opportunities to acquire the belt project alone,contact national resources and contacts,with the right people,more excellent,long knowledge,another one is my hobbies and skills,which are also very important,hobbies should be learned,studied and praticed,skills should be learned in a few years,so that i can make a living.


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本文标题:that i can make a living


上一篇:我在玩游戏 也是在玩火

下一篇:默想 但以理书1-3



