Human is complicate and selfish, i gotta remember this.And i am not out of this.What i say doens't means there is no good in human. What makes me confuzzed is why were someone don't like me so much.I thought a lot last night . it is not the first time I think of it, the answer maybe what i have done in life make them feel bad. Such as sometimes i will say something make them uncomfortable. Or because of the position i am in,i should do better than now.And i have changed these years, i was positive and knew what i want,what i should do.But now i am lost in mind. Life is amazing coz you really don't know what gonna happen in you.But whatever life gives you,you just take it or fight for it? I lost the strenght to fight for life.IS this what i want? Do i wanna live this way? ok,i don't have to flatering everyone,but,still, don't be the one too agressive and hated by everyone.Just think about how to make myself be a better man,not for others,only for a better me.Do not lose the hope of life,embrace it, love it , live for it.

Human is complicate and selfish, i gotta remember this.And i am not out of this.What i say doens't means there is no good in human. What makes me confuzzed is why were someone don't like me so much.I thought a lot last night . it is not the first time I think of it, the answer maybe what i have done in life make them feel bad. Such as sometimes i will say something make them uncomfortable. Or because of the position i am in,i should do better than now.And i have changed these years, i was positive and knew what i want,what i should do.But now i am lost in mind. Life is amazing coz you really don't know what gonna happen in you.But whatever life gives you,you just take it or fight for it? I lost the strenght to fight for life.IS this what i want? Do i wanna live this way? ok,i don't have to flatering everyone,but,still, don't be the one too agressive and hated by everyone.Just think about how to make myself be a better man,not for others,only for a better me.Do not lose the hope of life,embrace it, love it , live for it.
年轻的时候,觉得犯了错没什么大不了的,因为自己觉得自己还年轻,还可以重来,就在不断的犯错中慢慢长大,发现走过的人生就是在犯错,不可能重来,过去了就是过去了。 ...[全文阅读]
丫头,你知不知道,我很想你,每天都想想到发疯。 丫头,你知不知道,当我每一次去空间时,多想看到你的留言。 丫头,你知不知道,当我在空间里没有看到你来过...[全文阅读]
其实,我们在最用力的时候,是最沉默的。 生命的意义仅仅是过程的精彩。生命的价值,仅仅是活着的精致。每个人的生活都只关乎于自己的起落,与其他无关。无论...[全文阅读]
本文标题:Don't ever think low of anyone,as now i tell myself.