I want to do what I can do for you all._爱情日记_诗歌大全


I want to do what I can do for you all.

发布时间:2019-03-06 10:15:22

凄涼的夜、孤單的魂、錯亂的畫面、窒息的瞬間、請告訴我、我的靈魂将在哪裏安息。看了你寫的心情後後、心情變得很沉重很難過。  我一直以爲你已經變得開朗了、沒想到、你的字裏裏的字裏橫間是那麽的多愁善感、還是那麽的憂郁。也許你的嘻嘻哈哈都是裝出來的、現在的你心裏一定很累很難過吧。  很想去安慰你、卻又不知道該從何安慰、或許說得再多也顯得蒼白無力。我所能做的也隻有默默的爲你祈禱、希望你能忘記那些煩惱、真正的快樂起來。我以爲很了解你、今才發現我對你卻是一無所知、我所謂的了解隻不過是你的僞裝出來的堅強外表而已。原來你一直都把我裝在你的内心世界、我說過會給你幸福和快樂、給你從來都沒有的快樂感覺、可你的不開心、不快樂。我卻從未真正的懂、或許我真的對你還不夠關心、可我心裏卻全是你、就這樣默默的說着對不起、什麽也做不了。什麽也不敢做、讓我難過、看着你開心、幸福的笑臉、我就知足了、(我愛你)是因爲想給你快樂、想給你帶來開心。

A real man to love you.

Loves you truly the man: one can not say the real reason to love you, only know that he gave no attention to others.

Loves you truly the man: always make you angry, you are always so angry he still smiled.

Loves you truly the man: praise you rarely face to face, but his heart is definitely your best.

Loves you truly the man: will you forget his message in reply you angry.

Loves you truly the man: you can only be in the face of a person's tears flow, when you touch him, you touch his heart beat for you ( moved).

Loves you truly the man: will silently remember you inadvertently said, repeating them at certain moment.

Loves you truly the man: will not make promise easily, because he wants to become your own mind what it is the best man, just want to give you the most happiness.

Loves you truly the man: always tells you not to make blind and disorderly conjectures, because he was the most beautiful you planning a real future, also let you be light of heart from care for him to give you a surprise.

Loves you truly the man: like you could not clearly remember some of the anniversary, he felt that the time is the love you, is not the simple days.

Loves you truly the man: your face will not easily say, I love you for everything he has done for you have said so, except in the very moment, in order not to let you misunderstand him.

Loves you truly the man: some feel that if only enough to say it again, because you already know his heart, say much more, he will feel not precious.

Loves you truly the man: if he take you home, you won't like you would expect holding a rose called ( Dear ) just naturally carry your luggage, and then want to hold you like distressed eyes say, how thin like bean sprouts?

Is the man who truly loves you: when you have a fit of temper, will only keep silent to listen to your hair after fire, and then slowly ( tired ) go to bed early.

Loves you truly the man: don't understand when you do not return to his QQ, if a few minutes will send text messages to ask you called? If you asked him why so long before he will be in the right and self-confident, I said, you angry, I certainly did not use the explanation, such as elimination of the fire you, I will explain the effect.

Loves you truly the man: always call you girl, but every time he has done what major decisions, but the total would like to hear your suggestions.

Loves you truly the man: don't like what the gift, but you have been sent to his gift on the bed.

Loves you truly the man: when a dispute with you, always could not control to compromise, first admitted ( I'm wrong ) after the sent information to begin to end, neuropathy, baby, in fact you are also clear, this is something you make trouble out of nothing.

Loves you truly the man: want to want to you, will think of you in silence, innocently waiting for you, do not know what is holding the rose, never mind his heart is waiting.

Loves you truly the man: the mouth is not sweet, but his kiss can transfer all his enthusiasm.

Is the man who truly loves you: when you are speaking to him ( acid ) the words he pretend to be serious, in fact heart sweet.

Loves you truly the man: if not always see you, he will make himself busy, in order not to think of you, because he knows a think you will get out of hand


凄凉的夜、孤单的魂、错乱的画面、窒息的瞬间、请告诉我、我的灵魂将在哪里安息。看了写的心情后后、心情变得很沉重很难过。  我一直以为你已经变得开朗了、没想到、你的字里里的字里横间是那么的多愁善感、还是那么的忧郁。也许你的嘻嘻哈哈都是装出来的、现在的你心里一定很累很难过吧。  很想去安慰你、却又不知道该从何安慰或许说得再多也显得苍白无力。我所能做的也只有默默的为你祈祷、希望你能忘记那些烦恼、真正的快乐起来我以为很了解你、今才发现我对你却是一无所知、我所谓的了解只不过是你的伪装出来的坚强外表而已。原来你一直都把我装在你的内心世界、我说过会给你幸福和快乐、给你从来都没有的快乐感觉、可你的不开心、不快乐。我却从未真正的懂、或许我真的对你还不够关心、可我心里却全是你、就这样默默的说着对不起、什么也做不了。什么也不敢做、让我难过、看着你开心、幸福的笑脸、我就知足了、(我爱你)是因为想给你快乐、想给你带来开心。

A real man to love you.

Loves you truly the man: one can not say the real reason to love you, only know that he gave no attention to others.

Loves you truly the man: always make you angry, you are always so angry he still smiled.

Loves you truly the man: praise you rarely face to face, but his heart is definitely your best.

Loves you truly the man: will you forget his message in reply you angry.

Loves you truly the man: you can only be in the face of a person's tears flow, when you touch him, you touch his heart beat for you ( moved).

Loves you truly the man: will silently remember you inadvertently said, repeating them at certain moment.

Loves you truly the man: will not make promise easily, because he wants to become your own mind what it is the best man, just want to give you the most happiness.

Loves you truly the man: always tells you not to make blind and disorderly conjectures, because he was the most beautiful you planning a real future, also let you be light of heart from care for him to give you a surprise.

Loves you truly the man: like you could not clearly remember some of the anniversary, he felt that the time is the love you, is not the simple days.

Loves you truly the man: your face will not easily say, I love you for everything he has done for you have said so, except in the very moment, in order not to let you misunderstand him.

Loves you truly the man: some feel that if only enough to say it again, because you already know his heart, say much more, he will feel not precious.

Loves you truly the man: if he take you home, you won't like you would expect holding a rose called ( Dear ) just naturally carry your luggage, and then want to hold you like distressed eyes say, how thin like bean sprouts?

Is the man who truly loves you: when you have a fit of temper, will only keep silent to listen to your hair after fire, and then slowly ( tired ) go to bed early.

Loves you truly the man: don't understand when you do not return to his QQ, if a few minutes will send text messages to ask you called? If you asked him why so long before he will be in the right and self-confident, I said, you angry, I certainly did not use the explanation, such as elimination of the fire you, I will explain the effect.

Loves you truly the man: always call you girl, but every time he has done what major decisions, but the total would like to hear your suggestions.

Loves you truly the man: don't like what the gift, but you have been sent to his gift on the bed.

Loves you truly the man: when a dispute with you, always could not control to compromise, first admitted ( I'm wrong ) after the sent information to begin to end, neuropathy, baby, in fact you are also clear, this is something you make trouble out of nothing.

Loves you truly the man: want to want to you, will think of you in silence, innocently waiting for you, do not know what is holding the rose, never mind his heart is waiting.

Loves you truly the man: the mouth is not sweet, but his kiss can transfer all his enthusiasm.

Is the man who truly loves you: when you are speaking to him ( acid ) the words he pretend to be serious, in fact heart sweet.

Loves you truly the man: if not always see you, he will make himself busy, in order not to think of you, because he knows a think you will get out of hand



感觉就像过了一个寒冷的冬天,心好冷。 本来,我为了快乐去娱乐,却变成了不快乐,我真的令人太失望了。 我应该大量的去接受一切,但是我还是像以往一样,不顺心就发...[全文阅读]


  不知道从什么时候起,我已经无法用文字来记载我的爱情。是文字太过无力不足以表达我的爱,还是我忘记了我的爱情。    看着曾经用文字记录的甜蜜,想起那时的他...[全文阅读]


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本文标题:I want to do what I can do for you all.






