I hope he misses me. Because I do, deeply_爱情日记_诗歌大全


I hope he misses me. Because I do, deeply

发布时间:2019-03-12 17:31:46

Apparently more people than I thought knew about me and Josh. Even Kevin knows. And I never said anything to him. We out here really be wondering who it is man. Apparently Kevin was telling Richard about me and Josh and Richard had to pretend to be surprised. Man Richard is like some double agent dude.Even funnier I think Josh just got cucced LOL. Josh considers Richard his close friend but then Richard out here just be like... he’s just a friend... we are not close at all. 헐ㄹㄹ I’m hollering LMAO. Feelsbad for Josh man. Does the guy even have friends anymore?? OOOOOOOOOF I really wanna know what he’s talking about with Hyunhee tho. What are they doing? What is there to do? Bitch probably be sleeping in a call with her or some shit. But that’s none of my concern yet I still care about him. I don’t know what to do.William tells me that it’s not healthy to keep tabs on him and track him like that. But what can I do. I still like this guy, even tho I can’t talk to him because he said only he can contact me. However, get me drunk enough, I will definitely drunk text and call him tho. Pathetic again, but what can I do. That sounds like all I say how these days. Sighhhhhh has he really moved on. Or just found new company? I don’t know. I hope he misses me. Because I do, deeply.
Apparently more people than I thought knew about me and Josh. Even Kevin knows. And I never said anything to him. We out here really be wondering who it is man. Apparently Kevin was telling Richard about me and Josh and Richard had to pretend to be surprised. Man Richard is like some double agent dude.Even funnier I think Josh just got cucced LOL. Josh considers Richard his close friend but then Richard out here just be like... he’s just a friend... we are not close at all. 헐ㄹㄹ I’m hollering LMAO. Feelsbad for Josh man. Does the guy even have friends anymore?? OOOOOOOOOF I really wanna know what he’s talking about with Hyunhee tho. What are they doing? What is there to do? Bitch probably be sleeping in a call with her or some shit. But that’s none of my concern yet I still care about him. I don’t know what to do.William tells me that it’s not healthy to keep tabs on him and track him like that. But what can I do. I still like this guy, even tho I can’t talk to him because he said only he can contact me. However, get me drunk enough, I will definitely drunk text and call him tho. Pathetic again, but what can I do. That sounds like all I say how these days. Sighhhhhh has he really moved on. Or just found new company? I don’t know. I hope he misses me. Because I do, deeply.


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本文标题:I hope he misses me. Because I do, deeply



下一篇:爱情是你的社交生活 而不是生活



