


发布时间:2022-04-02 03:25:02


1、Nothing can be more beautiful than the smile free from tears. 世上最美的,莫過于從淚水中掙脫出來的那個微笑。

2、Tears clean the face of the weak but refresh the strong. 弱者以淚洗面,強者因淚振作。

3、Give me courage, let me go on to disturb you. 給我勇氣吧 讓我可以繼續打擾你。

4、I warm you cold never mind is good. 你冷淡沒關系 我暖一點就好了。

5、You know, my favorite person is you. 你知道我最中意的人是你。

6、I will cherish each of my good man ! 我會珍惜身邊每一個對我好的人!

7、Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back. 人生很簡單,做了決定就不要後悔。

8、You're my within sight but beyond reach. “風吹過沙,我在夢裏想你”

9、I don't want to wait , wait for the red light, wait for the rain to stop, wait to die. 誰我都不想等了,以後就等紅燈,等雨停,等死。

10、When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long. 當夜顯得寂寞不堪 ,去路顯得無盡漫長。

11、You are my pretty sunshine

12、Everybody live for themselves, we may be the no complaints 每個人都爲自己而活,我們也許該毫無怨言。

13、Hello ! (你好!) I'm applying to join your life,Is that OK? (我申請加入你的人生,可以嗎) Of Course (當然)

14、Loses is braver, ferments the mellowest love. 失去更勇敢, 醞釀最醇的愛 。

15、We are all looking for someone who understands us. 我們都在尋找一個懂我們的人。

16、Sometimes you just have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears and say goodbye. 有時候,你隻需要擡頭挺胸,忍住淚水,并道聲再見。

17、The fault-finder will find faults in paradise. 愛找缺點的人就是到天堂裏也能找到缺點。

18、Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself. 堅強,就是勇敢的向困難挑戰,把成功的微笑留給自己。

19、無論發生什麽,都要面朝陽光,心懷希望。Whatever happens we should turn towards the sun and keep hope in o

20、I often and my loneliness. And then sat down and cried. 我常常和我的孤獨翻臉然後又坐下來哭着和好。

21、I like a lonely patients struggling with themselves

22、Every noble work is at first impossible. 每一個偉大的工程最初看起來都是不可能做到的!

23、A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. 千裏之行,始于足下。

24、You never feel my lonliness. 你從未體會我的孤單。

25、Once madly loved, now badly hurt.曾經,愛的瘋狂。如今,傷的漂亮。

26、Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees.憂思在我的心裏平靜下去,正如暮色降臨在寂靜的山林中。

27、I am a big winner,always winner.我是大赢家,永遠的大赢家。

28、When you I care is a joke (你當我的牽挂是笑話)

29、I will do better,because I want you to regret.You missed me. 我想做的更好,因爲我想讓你後悔你錯過了我。

30、They have a loving person, password and my password only my own. 他們密碼裏都有愛的人,我的密碼隻有我。

31、We all lose one another along the way. 我們都失去了彼此的路上。

32、Like a child, always believe in hope, I believe the dream. 像孩子一樣,永遠相信希望,相信夢想。

33、The years are not dead, the beginner's mind will not change, I still. 歲月不枯,初心不死,我仍依舊。

34、you are the apple of my eyes. 你是我心中,最最珍貴的東西

35、My young frivolous, is you give pain. 我的年少輕狂,是你給予的傷。

36、Time is a great author, and it will certainly write the most perfect answer. 時間是個偉大的作者,它必将會寫出最完美的答案。

37、Goodbyemyalmostlover. 再見了,我無緣的愛人。

38、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人最糟糕的莫過于 他近在身旁卻猶如遠在天邊。

39、North of the city to the north is not to miss. 北城以北,思念不歸。

40、Be yourself. That’s when you’re beautiful. 做你自己,那才是你的美麗時刻。

41、Who never had a scar of youth. 誰的青春不曾有過傷痕。

42、Brave to pursue myown want happiness. 勇敢的去追求自己想要的幸福。

43、Follow my heart. (跟随我的心。)

44、Love is a chord in life,not solo

45、Youth gives you light please don't let it down. 青春賦予你光芒,請你别讓它失望。

46、I will always love you,until the end of time. 我将永遠喜歡你,直到時間停止。

47、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams

48、Without those good memories, wouldn't it be so painful. 如果沒有那些美好的回憶,是不是就不會那麽痛苦了。

49、Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 永遠不是一種距離,而是一種決定。

50、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry、 沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這麽做的人不會讓你哭泣。

51、Don't look back I not wait. 【别回頭了我不等了.】

52、Sometimes silence is not happy, just want to put the heart headroom. 有時沉默,不是不快樂,隻是想把心淨空。

53、I still love, only less than with persistent. 我還愛着,隻是少了非在一起的執着。

54、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. 不要爲成功而努力,要爲作一個有價值的人而努力。

55、Iwould have been,even if all pale 我會一直在,縱使一切蒼白

56、Out of all your lies ,I love youwas my favorite. 在你所有的謊言裏面,“我愛你”是

57、Get to another s

58、I am your traveler, you are my heart. 我是你的過客,你卻是我的心。

59、You go out of my sight ,but always go out my missing for you. 你走的出我的視線,卻永遠走不出我對你的思念。


61、The night you, wish you by my side.想你的夜,多希望你能在我身邊。

62、I'vetriedmylastbitofenergy,justasyoubloomedsunflowersmile. 我用盡最後一絲力氣,隻爲你綻放向日葵一樣的笑容。

63、I miss the old days


65、Not worry so much about do not care abo ut it. 不是不在乎而是太在乎。

66、Pauses finally sadly in the most conspicuous position 悲傷最終停留在最顯眼的位置。

67、As long as you love me. 隻要你愛我。

68、Tell a joke to commemorate my. [講個笑話紀念我]

69、I can't laugh haobuguji, you should understand the injured people can't let go past. 我無法笑的毫不顧忌,你該明白的受過傷的人無法釋懷過去。

70、小百合,我一直記得愛過你 I'll always remember that I've loved U

71、Nothing can stop I love you。沒有什麽可以阻止我愛你。

72、Do not base your happiness off someone else.不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上。

73、A lot of things, not because of the distance and give up, just because of giving up and far away. 很多事情,不是因爲遙遠而放棄,隻是因爲放棄而遙遠。

74、I admit that I did not want to let you go, but you don't want me. 我承認不是我想要放你走,而是你始終都不要我。

75、we are too young to talk about forever. (我們太年輕,談不起永遠。)

76、Afraid to touch the pain of the wound.害怕接觸傷口的疼痛

77、There is a boy here in town says he will love me forever. 有一個男孩說他會永遠愛我。

78、Nothing is I spell reason. 一無所有就是我拼的理由

79、There is a word that you have sad past. 總有一句是你曾經心酸的過往。

80、Wish my smile clear off the sky, of all days.希望我的笑可以晴朗所有的天。

81、Because of you , so i madness . 因爲有你,所以我瘋狂。

82、Eyes not to tears 眼睛不是用來裝眼淚的

83、Choose one will lose one

84、The hope is that you give to others is hard disappointed dumped on your face give back to you. 期望是你硬塞給别人的 失望是别人甩你臉上回贈你的。

85、you not feel consumes me how many tears. 你一句沒感覺 消耗

86、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered

87、Sometimes you have to give up on someone in order to respect yourself. 有時候我們必須放棄一些人,來成全自己的自尊。

88、我孤獨成性 因爲我厭惡人心 I am lonely because I hate people

1、Nothing can be more beautiful than the smile free from tears. 世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑

2、Tears clean the face of the weak but refresh the strong. 弱者以泪洗面,强者因泪振作。

3、Give me courage, let me go on to disturb you. 给我勇气吧 让我可以继续打扰你。

4、I warm you cold never mind is good. 你冷淡没关系 我暖一点就好了

5、You know, my favorite person is you. 你知道我最中意的人是你。

6、I will cherish each of my good man ! 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人!

7、Life is simple.You make choices and you don't look back. 人生很简单,做了决定就不要后悔

8、You're my within sight but beyond reach. “风吹过沙,我在梦里想你”

9、I don't want to wait , wait for the red light, wait for the rain to stop, wait to die. 谁我都不想等了,以后就等红灯,等雨停,等死。

10、When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long. 当夜显得寂寞不堪 ,去路显得无尽漫长。

11、You are my pretty sunshine

12、Everybody live for themselves, we may be the no complaints 每个人都为自己而活,我们也许该毫无怨言。

13、Hello ! (你好!) I'm applying to join your life,Is that OK? (我申请加入你的人生,可以吗) Of Course (当然)

14、Loses is braver, ferments the mellowest love. 失去更勇敢, 酝酿最醇的爱 。

15、We are all looking for someone who understands us. 我们都在寻找一个懂我们的人。

16、Sometimes you just have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears and say goodbye. 有时候,你只需要抬头挺胸,忍住泪水,并道声再见。

17、The fault-finder will find faults in paradise. 爱找缺点的人就是到天堂里也能找到缺点。

18、Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself. 坚强,就是勇敢的向困难挑战,把成功的微笑留给自己。

19、无论发生什么,都要面朝阳光,心怀希望。Whatever happens we should turn towards the sun and keep hope in o

20、I often and my loneliness. And then sat down and cried. 我常常和我的孤独翻脸然后又坐下来哭着和好

21、I like a lonely patients struggling with themselves

22、Every noble work is at first impossible. 每一个伟大的工程最初看起来都是不可能做到的!

23、A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. 千里之行,始于足下。

24、You never feel my lonliness. 你从未体会我的孤单。

25、Once madly loved, now badly hurt.曾经,爱的疯狂。如今,伤的漂亮。

26、Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

27、I am a big winner,always winner.我是大赢家,永远的大赢家。

28、When you I care is a joke (你当我的牵挂是笑话

29、I will do better,because I want you to regret.You missed me. 我想做的更好,因为我想让你后悔你错过了我。

30、They have a loving person, password and my password only my own. 他们密码里都有爱的人,我的密码只有我。

31、We all lose one another along the way. 我们都失去了彼此的路上。

32、Like a child, always believe in hope, I believe the dream. 像孩子一样,永远相信希望,相信梦想。

33、The years are not dead, the beginner's mind will not change, I still. 岁月不枯,初心不死,我仍依旧。

34、you are the apple of my eyes. 你是我心中,最最珍贵的东西

35、My young frivolous, is you give pain. 我的年少轻狂,是你给予的伤。

36、Time is a great author, and it will certainly write the most perfect answer. 时间是个伟大的作者,它必将会写出最完美的答案

37、Goodbyemyalmostlover. 再见了,我无缘的爱人。

38、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them. 失去某人最糟糕的莫过于 他近在身旁却犹如远在天边。

39、North of the city to the north is not to miss. 北城以北,思念不归。

40、Be yourself. That’s when you’re beautiful. 做你自己,那才是你的美丽时刻

41、Who never had a scar of youth. 谁的青春不曾有过伤痕。

42、Brave to pursue myown want happiness. 勇敢的去追求自己想要的幸福。

43、Follow my heart. (跟随我的心。)

44、Love is a chord in life,not solo

45、Youth gives you light please don't let it down. 青春赋予你光芒,请你别让它失望

46、I will always love you,until the end of time. 我将永远喜欢你,直到时间停止

47、The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of theirdreams

48、Without those good memories, wouldn't it be so painful. 如果没有那些美好的回忆,是不是就不会那么痛苦了。

49、Eternity is not a distance but a decision. 永远不是一种距离,而是一种决定。

50、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry、 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

51、Don't look back I not wait. 【别回头了我不等了.】

52、Sometimes silence is not happy, just want to put the heart headroom. 有时沉默,不是不快乐,只是想把心净空。

53、I still love, only less than with persistent. 我还爱着,只是少了非在一起执着

54、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. 不要为成功而努力,要为作一个有价值的人而努力。

55、Iwould have been,even if all pale 我会一直在,纵使一切苍白

56、Out of all your lies ,I love youwas my favorite. 在你所有的谎言里面,“我爱你”是

57、Get to another s

58、I am your traveler, you are my heart. 我是你的过客,你却是我的心。

59、You go out of my sight ,but always go out my missing for you. 你走的出我的视线,却永远走不出我对你的思念。


61、The night you, wish you by my side.想你的夜,多希望你能在我身边。

62、I'vetriedmylastbitofenergy,justasyoubloomedsunflowersmile. 我用尽最后一丝力气,只为你绽放向日葵一样的笑容

63、I miss the old days


65、Not worry so much about do not care abo ut it. 不是不在乎而是太在乎。

66、Pauses finally sadly in the most conspicuous position 悲伤最终停留在最显眼的位置

67、As long as you love me. 只要你爱我。

68、Tell a joke to commemorate my. [讲个笑话纪念我]

69、I can't laugh haobuguji, you should understand the injured people can't let go past. 我无法笑的毫不顾忌,你该明白的受过伤的人无法释怀过去。

70、小百合,我一直记得爱过你 I'll always remember that I've loved U

71、Nothing can stop I love you。没有什么可以阻止我爱你。

72、Do not base your happiness off someone else.不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上

73、A lot of things, not because of the distance and give up, just because of giving up and far away. 很多事情,不是因为遥远而放弃,只是因为放弃而遥远。

74、I admit that I did not want to let you go, but you don't want me. 我承认不是我想要放你走,而是你始终都不要我。

75、we are too young to talk about forever. (我们太年轻,谈不起永远。)

76、Afraid to touch the pain of the wound.害怕接触伤口疼痛

77、There is a boy here in town says he will love me forever. 有一个男孩说他会永远爱我。

78、Nothing is I spell reason. 一无所有就是我拼的理由

79、There is a word that you have sad past. 总有一句是你曾经心酸的过往。

80、Wish my smile clear off the sky, of all days.希望我的笑可以晴朗所有的天。

81、Because of you , so i madness . 因为有你所以我疯狂。

82、Eyes not to tears 眼睛不是用来装眼泪的

83、Choose one will lose one

84、The hope is that you give to others is hard disappointed dumped on your face give back to you. 期望是你硬塞给别人的 失望是别人甩你脸上回赠你的。

85、you not feel consumes me how many tears. 你一句没感觉 消耗

86、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered

87、Sometimes you have to give up on someone in order to respect yourself. 有时候我们必须放弃一些人,来成全自己的自尊。

88、我孤独成性 因为我厌恶人心 I am lonely because I hate people







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