


发布时间:2022-04-20 19:10:02


1、Do not waste time with regret. 别把時間都浪費在後悔上了。

2、Love comes fast. You either risk it, or you regret it. 愛來的這麽快,要麽冒險,要麽後悔。

3、She cut out my haert and left me in the room. 她掏空了我的心,卻将我棄之不顧。

4、Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad 知識就是說你知道西紅柿是一種水果;智慧就好似不要把它放進水果沙拉裏。

5、No one even lives lost nor will I lose. 會不會有人, 就算把命丢掉也不會把我丢掉。

6、When it has is lost, brave to give up. 當擁有已經是失去,就勇敢的放棄。

7、"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equivalent or greater benefit.每

8、To pretend do not love you 假裝不愛你

9、Let's make a pact, we don't break up. 我們做個約定吧 累了也不分手

10、The evening looks at the setting sun, and vaguely remembers your face.暮色起看天邊斜陽,恍惚想起你的臉

11、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 愛是長在我們心裏的藤蔓。

12、Without you I cried as a smile. 沒了你我把哭當成了笑。

13、Maybe I am suffering very helpless and lonely and want to cry, but I can not be angry complaints can not lose can not cry. 也許我很痛苦很無助很孤獨很想哭,但是我不能怒不能訴不能輸不能哭。

14、The sun also rises. 太陽照常升起。

15、The ibportant thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it

16、When I close my eyes, I don't see myself, but you

17、Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves. 生如夏花之燦爛,死如秋葉之靜美

18、Alcuni dicono che più gente diventerà più rigido cuore cresceva più spietato. 有人說人越長大心就會變得越硬越狠。

19、Never once called permanence. 曾經的永遠,叫天長地久。

20、We just don't happen, just time. 我們剛好,隻是時間不湊巧。

21、Happiness by adding those sad there the elements. 幸福中總會摻加那些悲哀的元素。

22、Will you still lov

23、I may not be perfect, but I’m always me. 我也許不完美,但我一直在做自己。

24、In life, then boring time, also are limited edition. 生命中,再無聊的時光,也都是限量版。

25、Someone said, my love, I just thought. 有人說,我的愛情隻是我的自以爲。

26、Just to be the next to be with you. 隻想成爲下一個永遠陪伴你的人。

27、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的愛是個夢,卻有真實的痛。

28、L Love you for my life past (我愛你,愛了整整一個曾經)

29、Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth. 那些允許被任性的年代叫做青春。

30、I will give you all my love. 我将給你全部的愛。

31、C. ΒaΒyYou canmake me Feel th way (彼年豆蔻,誰許誰兲荒地老〕

32、Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely

33、Success is not difficulty, but rather who really did it. 成功不在難易,而在于誰真正去做了。

34、Time not only lets you see through others, but also lets you recognize yourself.——時間不僅讓你看透

35、It's not

36、Sleep when tired and smile when awake 睡眠的時候累了 笑醒着的

37、Sooner or later, we will be passed 遲早有一天,我們會擦肩而過。

38、A lot of people don't need to see you again because it's just passing by.. To forget is that we give each other the best memorial. 很多人不需要再見,因爲隻是路過而已。遺忘就是我們給彼此最好的紀念。

39、Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。

40、Our life, is to continue to get the position of rebirth. 我們的生命,就是以不斷出發的姿勢得到重生。

41、I love you,do you l

42、Vulnerable to the attack had been past hope. 百毒不侵的人也曾無可救藥過。

43、There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning 應該有更好的方式開始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每個上午都醒來。

44、Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 無論去哪兒,什麽天氣,記得帶上自己的陽光。

45、Drunk people raise cup, laughing eyes are full of tears. 醉的人們舉起杯,笑得眼裏全是淚。


46、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. -- Bernara Shaw 在這個世界上取得成就的人,都努力去尋找他們想要的機會,如果找不到機會,他們便自己創造機會。 -- 蕭伯納

47、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved . 生活中最大的幸福是堅信有人愛我們。

48、I don’t really know where I’m going, but I hope I go far. 我不太肯定我的方向,但是我希望自己能走的遠一點。

49、As long as any one thing is always willing to become simple

50、I am waiting for a person to accompany me for a long time. 我在等一個人,可以陪我很久很久的人。

51、All around me is silver and golds,but my heart never heals. 我周圍全是金銀但我的心不會愈合

52、I just do my own, I do not care about other people. 我隻做我自己, 其他人我不在乎。

53、Che il tuo giorno, deve essere il mio lungo così. 有你在的一天,必有我長伴左右。

54、Because I like, so reluctantly, not so much why.——因爲喜歡,所以情願,沒有那麽多爲什麽。

55、Every boring hour in life is unique. 在生命中,再無聊的時光也是限量版。

56、Thanks betrayal,it taught me not that kind. 感謝背叛,它教會我不該善良。

57、Time is forever, never take God. 時間就是永遠的,永遠帶不走上帝。

58、Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth. 那些允許被任性的年代叫做青春。

59、The world so big, not everyone can get the results you want. 世界那麽大,不是每個人都能得到自己想要的。

60、I am not willing much, many do not know, who says to spare, it is more profound. 我多不舍得,多不懂得,誰說割愛,才更深刻。

61、Learn to sorrow blind eye。學會熟視無睹對于悲傷。

62、I do not believe in fate, I believe both hands to fight

63、We do not have any choice, only run in opposite directions.我們沒有任何選擇的餘地,隻有背道而馳。

64、I would break every rule I had just to see you be happy. 我可以放棄一切原則,隻爲取悅于你

65、It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. 世界這麽大,能遇見,不容易。


67、I hate people who take other people pain make fun of. 【我讨厭那些那别人痛處開玩笑的人。】

68、Do what you say

69、I pretended to be indifferent to it. 我假裝無所謂才看不到心被擰碎。

70、不是你願意翻山越嶺就有人想見你.Someone wants to see you if you don'twant to climb mountains and moun

71、Delusion is me to walk with you life 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。

72、You ar

73、Sometimes life is crule and we have to accept that

74、have islose the beginning 擁有就失去的開始。

75、Thethoroughrevengeistoforgiveandforget. 最徹底的報複,是原諒和遺忘。

76、Lfe is a on return jurney . 人生是一段沒有退路的旅程。

77、Can We Dance [ 這首歌,聽完之後你肯定會回來的]

78、Love has you only then to be perfect. 愛要有你才完美。

79、Work on it quietly. That's what you need to aim for right now. 悄悄地去努力吧,這才是你現在需要當作目标的事。

80、I want to be with

81、承諾不必說得動聽,行動到位才是真心。Commitment does not have to speak movingly, action in place is tru

82、The place where we first met. 在我們初次相遇的那個地方。

83、The sad past is heartbroken. 悲傷的往事令人斷腸。

84、Of The World's Most Precious And Are Not Eligible And Lost. 世界上最珍貴的,是得不到和已失去。

85、I need to love

86、Derailment of a man in love

87、Sadness into the river upstream, I for who the desperate. 悲傷逆流成河,我爲誰而不顧一切。

88、天堂客滿,地獄打烊 更别說我的心房 Heaven is full, hell is closed, not to mention my heart

89、Heaven can be overturned, such as no hate(天若有情天亦老,月若無恨月長圓)

90、You never realize how much you like someone until you watch them like someone else

1、Do not waste time with regret. 别把时间都浪费在后悔上了

2、Love comes fast. You either risk it, or you regret it. 爱来的这么快,要么冒险,要么后悔。

3、She cut out my haert and left me in the room. 她掏空了我的心,却将我弃之不顾。

4、Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad 知识就是说你知道西红柿是一种水果;智慧就好似不要把它放进水果沙拉里。

5、No one even lives lost nor will I lose. 会不会有人, 就算把命丢掉也不会把我丢掉。

6、When it has is lost, brave to give up. 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃

7、"Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equivalent or greater benefit.每

8、To pretend do not love you 假装不爱你

9、Let's make a pact, we don't break up. 我们做个约定吧 累了也不分手

10、The evening looks at the setting sun, and vaguely remembers your face.暮色起看天边斜阳,恍惚想起你的脸

11、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。

12、Without you I cried as a smile. 没了你我把哭当成了笑。

13、Maybe I am suffering very helpless and lonely and want to cry, but I can not be angry complaints can not lose can not cry. 也许我很痛苦很无助很孤独很想哭,但是我不能怒不能诉不能输不能哭。

14、The sun also rises. 太阳照常升起。

15、The ibportant thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it

16、When I close my eyes, I don't see myself, but you

17、Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves. 生如夏花之灿烂,死如秋叶之静美

18、Alcuni dicono che più gente diventerà più rigido cuore cresceva più spietato. 有人说人越长大心就会变得越硬越狠。

19、Never once called permanence. 曾经的永远,叫天长地久。

20、We just don't happen, just time. 我们刚好,只是时间不凑巧。

21、Happiness by adding those sad there the elements. 幸福中总会掺加那些悲哀的元素。

22、Will you still lov

23、I may not be perfect, but I’m always me. 我也许不完美,但我一直在做自己。

24、In life, then boring time, also are limited edition. 生命中,再无聊的时光,也都是限量版。

25、Someone said, my love, I just thought. 有人说,我的爱情只是我的自以为。

26、Just to be the next to be with you. 只想成为下一个永远陪伴你的人。

27、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的爱是个梦,却有真实的痛。

28、L Love you for my life past (我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经)

29、Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth. 那些允许被任性的年代叫做青春。

30、I will give you all my love. 我将给你全部的爱。

31、C. ΒaΒyYou canmake me Feel th way (彼年豆蔻,谁许谁兲荒地老〕

32、Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely

33、Success is not difficulty, but rather who really did it. 成功不在难易,而在于谁真正去做了。

34、Time not only lets you see through others, but also lets you recognize yourself.——时间不仅让你看透

35、It's not

36、Sleep when tired and smile when awake 睡眠的时候累了 笑醒着的

37、Sooner or later, we will be passed 迟早有一天,我们会擦肩而过

38、A lot of people don't need to see you again because it's just passing by.. To forget is that we give each other the best memorial. 很多人不需要再见,因为只是路过而已。遗忘就是我们给彼此最好的纪念。

39、Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。

40、Our life, is to continue to get the position of rebirth. 我们的生命,就是以不断出发姿势得到重生

41、I love you,do you l

42、Vulnerable to the attack had been past hope. 百毒不侵的人也曾无可救药过。

43、There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning 应该有更好的方式开始新一天,而不是千篇一律的在每个上午都醒来。

44、Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。

45、Drunk people raise cup, laughing eyes are full of tears. 醉的人们举起杯,笑得眼里全是泪。


46、The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them. -- Bernara Shaw 在这个世界上取得成就的人,都努力去寻找他们想要机会,如果找不到机会,他们便自己创造机会。 -- 萧伯纳

47、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved . 生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。

48、I don’t really know where I’m going, but I hope I go far. 我不太肯定我的方向,但是我希望自己能走的远一点。

49、As long as any one thing is always willing to become simple

50、I am waiting for a person to accompany me for a long time. 我在等一个人,可以陪我很久很久的人。

51、All around me is silver and golds,but my heart never heals. 我周围全是金银但我的心不会愈合

52、I just do my own, I do not care about other people. 我只做我自己, 其他人我不在乎

53、Che il tuo giorno, deve essere il mio lungo così. 有你在的一天,必有我长伴左右。

54、Because I like, so reluctantly, not so much why.——因为喜欢,所以情愿,没有那么多为什么。

55、Every boring hour in life is unique. 在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版

56、Thanks betrayal,it taught me not that kind. 感谢背叛,它教会我不该善良。

57、Time is forever, never take God. 时间就是永远的,永远带不走上帝

58、Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth. 那些允许被任性的年代叫做青春。

59、The world so big, not everyone can get the results you want. 世界那么大,不是每个人都能得到自己想要的。

60、I am not willing much, many do not know, who says to spare, it is more profound. 我多不舍得,多不懂得,谁说割爱,才更深刻

61、Learn to sorrow blind eye。学会熟视无睹对于悲伤

62、I do not believe in fate, I believe both hands to fight

63、We do not have any choice, only run in opposite directions.我们没有任何选择的余地,只有背道而驰。

64、I would break every rule I had just to see you be happy. 我可以放弃一切原则,只为取悦于你

65、It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. 世界这么大,能遇见,不容易。


67、I hate people who take other people pain make fun of. 【我讨厌那些那别人痛处开玩笑的人。】

68、Do what you say

69、I pretended to be indifferent to it. 我假装无所谓看不到心被拧碎。

70、不是你愿意翻山越岭就有人想见你.Someone wants to see you if you don'twant to climb mountains and moun

71、Delusion is me to walk with you life 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。

72、You ar

73、Sometimes life is crule and we have to accept that

74、have islose the beginning 拥有就失去的开始。

75、Thethoroughrevengeistoforgiveandforget. 最彻底报复,是原谅和遗忘。

76、Lfe is a on return jurney . 人生是一段没有退路的旅程。

77、Can We Dance [ 这首歌,听完之后你肯定会回来的]

78、Love has you only then to be perfect. 爱要有你才完美。

79、Work on it quietly. That's what you need to aim for right now. 悄悄地去努力吧,这才是你现在需要当作目标的事。

80、I want to be with

81、承诺不必说得动听,行动到位才是真心。Commitment does not have to speak movingly, action in place is tru

82、The place where we first met. 在我们初次相遇的那个地方。

83、The sad past is heartbroken. 悲伤的往事令人断肠。

84、Of The World's Most Precious And Are Not Eligible And Lost. 世界上最珍贵的,是得不到和已失去。

85、I need to love

86、Derailment of a man in love

87、Sadness into the river upstream, I for who the desperate. 悲伤逆流成河,我为谁而不顾一切。

88、天堂客满,地狱打烊 更别说我的心房 Heaven is full, hell is closed, not to mention my heart

89、Heaven can be overturned, such as no hate(天若有情天亦老,月若无恨月长圆

90、You never realize how much you like someone until you watch them like someone else



















