发布时间:2022-02-27 02:35:01
1、I walked, in a smile, please look through me.我走,在有笑容的時候,請把我表情看透。
2、Is you insufficiently rigid, I give you insufficiently pr
3、Time can prove that I love you. 時間能證明我有多愛你。
4、All of my pay, should never touch you. 我所有的付出,竟然從未打動過你。
5、No words are necessary between two loving hearts. 兩顆相愛的心之間不需要言語。
6、If happiness is not in the corner of the road, then it must be in the end of the road
7、I know the people I really care about a few. 我知道 真正在乎我的沒幾個。
8、I'm still waiting for you where we used to be.But you've forgotten you were once here. 我還在原地等你,你卻已經忘記曾經來過這裏。
9、Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions. 走得最急的,都是最美的風景;傷得最深的,也總是那些最真 的感情。
10、If a person really thinks of you,he will come to you,no exception. 如果一個人真的想你,他會來找你,沒有例外。
11、Love, no crack password. 愛情密碼,無人破解。
12、Want to have must first know how to accept 想擁有必先懂失去怎樣接受
13、Falling in love with a wrong person have much pain who will understand. 錯愛有多痛誰懂。
14、He said he love you before, did not mention now. 他說他以前很喜歡你,隻字未提現在。
15、Even if the pain also want to smile perhaps this is life. 即使痛也要微笑 或許 這就是生活。
16、A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. 千裏之行,始于足下。
17、I pretend I do
18、Disappointment is injured, t
19、You don't laugh tears away. [你别笑了眼淚都掉了]
20、The sea is the upside down sky, you are my only weakness. 海是倒過來的天,你是我唯一的弱點。
21、Ihavealwayslovedyou,butyoudonotknow. 我一直深愛着你,隻是你不知道而已。
22、As long as people do not lose their direction, they will not lose themselves. 人隻要不失去方向,就不會失去自己。
23、The wind such as flower of time, and you become the most beautiful ornament. 風吹起如花的流年,而你成爲最唯美的點綴。
24、I'm just a struggle for the future and distant ordinary people 我隻是一個爲未來和遠方奮鬥的平凡人。
25、Since you can hug, don't put off easily. 既然可以擁抱,就不要輕易放掉。
26、Eyes are raining for her, heart is holding umbrella for her, this is love 眼睛爲她下着雨,心卻爲她打着傘,這就是愛情。
27、Tears are the words which the heart can not say. 眼淚是心無法訴說的話
28、If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best. 你若想得到這世界最好的東西,先得讓世界看到最好的你。
29、Do what you say
30、Love remained short,but the memory lasts long. 愛那麽短,遺忘那麽長。
31、Fool,The person I love best is you。(傻瓜,我最愛的人就是你了。)
32、There's always that one song that brings back old memories. 總有那麽一首歌,讓你陷入深深的回憶。
33、just like the Christmas Day - EXO
34、Choose one will lose one
35、Leave you, let me say I love you too. 離開的你,讓我來不及說愛你。
36、Well,notthatemotional,butImovetheheart. 說好了不動情,我卻動了心。
37、AS long AS you love me
38、One day I passed,one day I missed...one day left,I gotta graspit 一天路過,一天錯過,另有一天,好好掌握。
39、It is not does not lose heart, has refused stubbornly the heart
40、Never too old to learn
41、I need someone who won’t give up on me. 我隻是需要一個不會放棄我的人。
42、Promise more, not to be, that is just a lie. 承諾再多,做不到,那也隻不過還是謊言。
43、Judge not from appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可鬥量。
44、I love you,I lost myself. 我爲了愛你,迷失了我自己。
45、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 愛是長在我們心裏的藤蔓。
46、Never say die。
47、I want to have a male friend. 我想要一個藍顔知己。
48、Perhaps, isolation is the best way I defend themselves 【vs】 或許,與世隔絕是我維護自己的最好方式
49、Most of the time a lot of bad can not open that kind of feeling you will not understand. 很多時候很多難受無法開口 那種感受你不會懂。
50、Someone who cares is eligible for unknown whereabouts.有人關心 才有資格下落不明
51、The only good luck in my life is to meet you. 這輩子唯一的好運全部用來遇見你。
52、Happiness isn't on the road to anything. Happiness is the road. 幸福不在去任何地方的路上,幸福就是路。
53、Time will not be reversed?時光會不會倒轉?
54、One day I will shine elegant (終有一天我将綻放優雅)
55、閨蜜是我的一切 sister are my all will
56、現在開始,我相信我一個人可以很好! Now, I believe that I am a person can be v
57、Think of you every day, your company, happiness is so natural. 想你的每一天,都有你陪伴,幸福是那麽的自然 。
58、Dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying。
59、Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories. 留下觸不到的可惜,隕落下了我們的回憶。
60、In the time you are ready to give up, please give yourself a slap. 在你準備要放棄的時候請給自己一巴掌。
61、最後說我愛你 是我所能做的唯一 Finally say I love you, yes I can do only
62、Do not waste time with regret. 别把時間都浪費在後悔上了。
63、Sadness is a luxury I can't afford it, happy like a nightmare awakened. 悲傷是奢侈品我消受不起,快樂像噩夢一轉眼驚醒。
64、In the direction of the wind, flying out of the strong and stubborn. 在逆風的方向,飛出倔強的堅強。
65、The train is always the two could not get close to the distance, as you and I. 火車的雙軌永遠有着無法靠近的距離,就如我和你。
66、Love is not the strong vow but the simpl
67、Time is we do not come loose.時光不老我們不散好麽
68、First love is unforgettable all one's life. 初戀是永生難忘的。
69、You left in peace, and left me in pieces. 你安然離去,我碎了一地。
70、I would like to meet a warmyou wander 我願颠沛流離再遇見溫暖的你
71、Time cut scar is called growth
72、曾經那麽瘋狂如今這麽迷惘 Once so crazy now so confused
73、When you think you are not in. 想你的時候你也恰好不在。
74、I never go far
75、My youth have you, no love is also sweet. 我的青春有了你,沒了愛情也甜蜜。
76、The time that you are my most fatal 時光深知你是我最緻命的愛人
77、Having one heart and being faithful are the gentlest power in the world. 一心一意是世界上最溫柔的力量。
78、Nothing seek, nothing find. 無所求則無所獲。
79、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多麽希望自己再度迷失。
80、The shortest answer is doing. 最簡短的回答就是行動。
81、Tears are the words which the heart can't say. 眼淚是心無法訴說的話語。
82、Sometimes, you don't get over things. You just learn to live with the pain. 有時候,我們并非走出了傷痛,不過是學會了帶着傷痛繼續生活。
83、Don't let the time break our youth. 不要讓時間沖散我們的青春。
84、Passing is fleeting moment, miss is eternal. 路過是一瞬,錯過是永恒。
1、I walked, in a smile, please look through me.我走,在有笑容的时候,请把我表情看透。
2、Is you insufficiently rigid, I give you insufficiently pr
3、Time can prove that I love you. 时间能证明我有多爱你。
4、All of my pay, should never touch you. 我所有的付出,竟然从未打动过你。
5、No words are necessary between two loving hearts. 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。
6、If happiness is not in the corner of the road, then it must be in the end of the road
7、I know the people I really care about a few. 我知道 真正在乎我的没几个。
8、I'm still waiting for you where we used to be.But you've forgotten you were once here. 我还在原地等你,你却已经忘记曾经来过这里。
9、Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions. 走得最急的,都是最美的风景;伤得最深的,也总是那些最真 的感情。
10、If a person really thinks of you,he will come to you,no exception. 如果一个人真的想你,他会来找你,没有例外。
11、Love, no crack password. 爱情密码,无人破解。
12、Want to have must first know how to accept 想拥有必先懂失去怎样接受
13、Falling in love with a wrong person have much pain who will understand. 错爱有多痛谁懂。
14、He said he love you before, did not mention now. 他说他以前很喜欢你,只字未提现在。
15、Even if the pain also want to smile perhaps this is life. 即使痛也要微笑 或许 这就是生活。
16、A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. 千里之行,始于足下。
17、I pretend I do
18、Disappointment is injured, t
19、You don't laugh tears away. [你别笑了眼泪都掉了]
20、The sea is the upside down sky, you are my only weakness. 海是倒过来的天,你是我唯一的弱点。
21、Ihavealwayslovedyou,butyoudonotknow. 我一直深爱着你,只是你不知道而已。
22、As long as people do not lose their direction, they will not lose themselves. 人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。
23、The wind such as flower of time, and you become the most beautiful ornament. 风吹起如花的流年,而你成为最唯美的点缀。
24、I'm just a struggle for the future and distant ordinary people 我只是一个为未来和远方奋斗的平凡人。
25、Since you can hug, don't put off easily. 既然可以拥抱,就不要轻易放掉。
26、Eyes are raining for her, heart is holding umbrella for her, this is love 眼睛为她下着雨,心却为她打着伞,这就是爱情。
27、Tears are the words which the heart can not say. 眼泪是心无法诉说的话
28、If you want the best the world has to offer, offer the world your best. 你若想得到这世界最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。
29、Do what you say
30、Love remained short,but the memory lasts long. 爱那么短,遗忘那么长。
31、Fool,The person I love best is you。(傻瓜,我最爱的人就是你了。)
32、There's always that one song that brings back old memories. 总有那么一首歌,让你陷入深深的回忆。
33、just like the Christmas Day - EXO
34、Choose one will lose one
35、Leave you, let me say I love you too. 离开的你,让我来不及说爱你。
36、Well,notthatemotional,butImovetheheart. 说好了不动情,我却动了心。
37、AS long AS you love me
38、One day I passed,one day I missed...one day left,I gotta graspit 一天路过,一天错过,另有一天,好好掌握。
39、It is not does not lose heart, has refused stubbornly the heart
40、Never too old to learn
41、I need someone who won’t give up on me. 我只是需要一个不会放弃我的人。
42、Promise more, not to be, that is just a lie. 承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过还是谎言。
43、Judge not from appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。
44、I love you,I lost myself. 我为了爱你,迷失了我自己。
45、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。
46、Never say die。
47、I want to have a male friend. 我想要一个蓝颜知己。
48、Perhaps, isolation is the best way I defend themselves 【vs】 或许,与世隔绝是我维护自己的最好方式
49、Most of the time a lot of bad can not open that kind of feeling you will not understand. 很多时候很多难受无法开口 那种感受你不会懂。
50、Someone who cares is eligible for unknown whereabouts.有人关心 才有资格下落不明
51、The only good luck in my life is to meet you. 这辈子唯一的好运全部用来遇见你。
52、Happiness isn't on the road to anything. Happiness is the road. 幸福不在去任何地方的路上,幸福就是路。
53、Time will not be reversed?时光会不会倒转?
54、One day I will shine elegant (终有一天我将绽放优雅)
55、闺蜜是我的一切 sister are my all will
56、现在开始,我相信我一个人可以很好! Now, I believe that I am a person can be v
57、Think of you every day, your company, happiness is so natural. 想你的每一天,都有你陪伴,幸福是那么的自然 。
58、Dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying。
59、Left of reach unfortunately, fall under our memories. 留下触不到的可惜,陨落下了我们的回忆。
60、In the time you are ready to give up, please give yourself a slap. 在你准备要放弃的时候请给自己一巴掌。
61、最后说我爱你 是我所能做的唯一 Finally say I love you, yes I can do only
62、Do not waste time with regret. 别把时间都浪费在后悔上了。
63、Sadness is a luxury I can't afford it, happy like a nightmare awakened. 悲伤是奢侈品我消受不起,快乐像噩梦一转眼惊醒。
64、In the direction of the wind, flying out of the strong and stubborn. 在逆风的方向,飞出倔强的坚强。
65、The train is always the two could not get close to the distance, as you and I. 火车的双轨永远有着无法靠近的距离,就如我和你。
66、Love is not the strong vow but the simpl
67、Time is we do not come loose.时光不老我们不散好么
68、First love is unforgettable all one's life. 初恋是永生难忘的。
69、You left in peace, and left me in pieces. 你安然离去,我碎了一地。
70、I would like to meet a warmyou wander 我愿颠沛流离再遇见温暖的你
71、Time cut scar is called growth
72、曾经那么疯狂如今这么迷惘 Once so crazy now so confused
73、When you think you are not in. 想你的时候你也恰好不在。
74、I never go far
75、My youth have you, no love is also sweet. 我的青春有了你,没了爱情也甜蜜。
76、The time that you are my most fatal 时光深知你是我最致命的爱人
77、Having one heart and being faithful are the gentlest power in the world. 一心一意是世界上最温柔的力量。
78、Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求则无所获。
79、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。
80、The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。
81、Tears are the words which the heart can't say. 眼泪是心无法诉说的话语。
82、Sometimes, you don't get over things. You just learn to live with the pain. 有时候,我们并非走出了伤痛,不过是学会了带着伤痛继续生活。
83、Don't let the time break our youth. 不要让时间冲散我们的青春。
84、Passing is fleeting moment, miss is eternal. 路过是一瞬,错过是永恒。