A Special Friend_苦涩日记_诗歌大全


A Special Friend

发布时间:2017-05-20 21:12:43


Every person has such a special friend in mind.每個人這輩子,心中都有過這麽一個特别的朋友。

When he is in trouble, you'll do everything you can to help him, not caring who owes whom.他遇到困難時,你會盡你所能的幫他,不會計較誰又欠了誰。

When he is in a bad mood, you'll do everything you can to make him happy.他心情難受時,你會盡你所能的逗他,讓陽光重新入駐他心中。

At first, you can not be reconciled to be friend with him. But you feel so good as time passes. Even though you are not his lover, you both maintain a friend relationship in the end.一開始你不甘心隻做朋友的,但久了,突然發現這樣最好。 即使你們最終沒能在一起,但你們還能保持朋友的關系。

Some people can't be even normal friends because of one-sided wishful thinking.很多的感情,都因爲一廂情願,最後連朋友都當不成了。

It is sad that a very good friendship had been damaged because a word of "I love you". No wonder some people are so reluctant to say it out.常常覺得惋惜,一些本來很好的友情,最後卻因爲對方的一句喜歡你,如果他沒有反應,這一段友情似乎也難以維持下去,這也難怪有些人會因此不肯踏出這一步。

Love is just like gambling.If you say it out, you cannot become his girlfriend, or even not become friends.因爲這就像是一場賭注,表白了之後不是成了男女朋友,要不就連朋友都當不成了。

Some things are unpredictable. Probably he does not mind, but you know the relationship of friends will never be the same as before.有些事不是你能預料的,或許對方不在意,你們還可以是朋友,但卻已經不如從前的.....

Every person has such a special friend in mind.每个人这辈子,心中都有过这么一个特别的朋友

When he is in trouble, you'll do everything you can to help him, not caring who owes whom.他遇到困难时,你会尽你所能的帮他,不会计较谁又欠了谁。

When he is in a bad mood, you'll do everything you can to make him happy.他心情难受时,你会尽你所能的逗他,让阳光重新入驻他心中。

At first, you can not be reconciled to be friend with him. But you feel so good as time passes. Even though you are not his lover, you both maintain a friend relationship in the end.一开始你不甘心只做朋友的,但久了,突然发现这样最好。 即使你们最终没能在一起,但你们还能保持朋友关系

Some people can't be even normal friends because of one-sided wishful thinking.很多的感情,都因为一厢情愿,最后连朋友都当不成了

It is sad that a very good friendship had been damaged because a word of "I love you". No wonder some people are so reluctant to say it out.常常觉得惋惜,一些本来很好的友情,最后却因为对方的一句喜欢你,如果他没有反应,这一段友情似乎也难以维持下去,这也难怪有些人会因此不肯踏出这一步。

Love is just like gambling.If you say it out, you cannot become his girlfriend, or even not become friends.因为这就像是一场赌注,表白了之后不是成了男女朋友要不就连朋友都当不成了。

Some things are unpredictable. Probably he does not mind, but you know the relationship of friends will never be the same as before.有些事不是你能预料的,或许对方不在意,你们还可以是朋友,但却已经不如从前的.....


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本文标题:A Special Friend






