

Let I love you 让我爱你

发布时间:2019-08-14 17:07:48


In life,人生,Always a stuttering,總是走走停停,You and me,你,還有我,Inadvertently lost,在不經意間走失,Meet again, come when you least expect them.又,在不經意間重逢。After the lost,走失後,I think that, between you and me,我以爲,你我之間Our fate to the end;我們的緣分到了盡頭;Meet again,再次相遇,I just want to, simple love.我隻想,簡單的喜歡。Simple to,簡單到,Facing the sunset,背對着夕陽,Pull your hand walking slowly,拉着你的手慢慢地走,Until the end of life,直到人生的那端,At the end of the old with white hair looks.滿頭白發容顔蒼老的盡頭。Please, let I love you,請,讓我愛你,Heart, with love, hard;用心,用情,用力;Please, let I love you,請,讓我愛你,With, and try our best to;盡心,盡情,盡力;Let I love you, all used up.請讓我愛你,用盡所有

In life,人生,Always a stuttering,总是走走停停,You and me,你,还有我,Inadvertently lost,在不经意间走失,Meet again, come when you least expect them.又,在不经意间重逢。After the lost,走失后,I think that, between you and me,我以为,你我之间Our fate to the end;我们的缘分到尽头;Meet again,再次相遇,I just want to, simple love.我只想,简单的喜欢。Simple to,简单到,Facing the sunset,背对着夕阳,Pull your hand walking slowly,拉着你的手慢慢地走,Until the end of life,直到人生的那端,At the end of the old with white hair looks.满头白发容颜苍老的尽头。Please, let I love you,请,让我爱你,Heart, with love, hard;用心,用情,用力;Please, let I love you,请,让我爱你,With, and try our best to;尽心,尽情,尽力;Let I love you, all used up.请让我爱你用尽所有

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本文标题:Let I love you 让我爱你



下一篇:I’m still here waiting



