


发布时间:2020-07-12 05:17:21


A deep ocean of who I am, who is willing to I drowned.[我是誰的深海,誰願爲我溺亡.]

The pain let me can't breathe

i love you fover


I'm afraid I'm going to mist(我好怕我會淚眼朦胧)

Dad you are my hero! 父親節快樂

The only person you should try to be better than, is who you were yesterday.

need just Word,Word has Word。你的就是我的,我的還是我的。

每天都去青果上課, 生活日記網不知道有什麽魔法如此吸引我。

Sometimes still dealing with the feelings

You are the apple of my eye.你是我最喜歡、最關心的人。

I am not greed but I envy. 我沒有貪婪我羨慕海枯石爛

How far is it forever?

You are my earth,air,water,fire.

i love you,i have ill 。我愛你,我有病。

I may not be strong, but I may not be as weak as you think.

Life will tell you what it is.

Ask people whether they feel hot to you are not one of her smile 對你的噓寒問暖卻不及她的一個微笑

I will always be, even if love pale. 我會一直在,縱使愛變蒼白

your name with my life.(你的名字伴我生老病死.)

Smile when it hurts most. 最痛苦的時候,請微笑。

It is never too late to start again.重頭開始永遠不會晚。

The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗

The snow falls into my heart, good cold cold..(那雪花飄進我的心裏,好冷好冷。。)

Without you the world who accompany with me.(沒有你的世界誰與我相伴)

° If through time,through love.倘若看透時光看透愛。

° I am not greed but I envy [ 我沒有貪婪我羨慕海枯石爛 ]

I'm afraid of change, but have to let the change

You are my song sing not over of song [伱是我一首唱不完的歌]

Million pet as a people who understand(萬人寵不如一人懂)

Love is not to refuse

I know I'm just a dork

In fact, every smile, only need to hurt,其實天天笑的人,才需要人疼,

The fox(狐狸叫):Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!

I’m sorry I’m sorry,I'm sorry,baby.

Stay with me. Don't leave me alone.

I know I'm just a dork. 我知道我隻是一個逗逼

- Your world didn't if I was clean . {你的世界沒了我是不是清淨了許多}

A day without laughter is a day wasted. 沒有笑聲的一天是浪費了的一天。

You never know, the surface be subordinate to you behind your back is how to poke your spine.

You will never understand, kind of think you into the night couldn't sleep.

You really for me, I want you to the truth.你真心對過我嗎,我要你的實話。

you are my hero.

I like a fool by playing until you leave.我像個傻子樣被你玩弄直至抛棄。

If you do not love me why close to me.

Don't realize too much which will let you down .{不雅知道太多,會難過}

You don't laugh tears away

[{Because without you my world is only black} 因爲沒有你 我的世界才變黑

Sunlight doesn't sunshine.(陽光不陽光)

Heartache not heartache. (心傷不心傷)

I will try for your love.

A deep ocean of who I am, who is willing to I drowned.[我是谁的深海,谁愿为我溺亡.]

The pain let me can't breathe

i love you fover


I'm afraid I'm going to mist(我好怕我会泪眼朦胧)

Dad you are my hero! 父亲节快乐

The only person you should try to be better than, is who you were yesterday.

need just Word,Word has Word。你的就是我的,我的还是我的。

每天都去青果上课, 生活日记网不知道有什么魔法如此吸引我。

Sometimes still dealing with the feelings

You are the apple of my eye.你是我最喜欢、最关心的人。

I am not greed but I envy. 我没有贪婪我羡慕海枯石烂

How far is it forever?

You are my earth,air,water,fire.

i love you,i have ill 。我爱你,我有病。

I may not be strong, but I may not be as weak as you think.

Life will tell you what it is.

Ask people whether they feel hot to you are not one of her smile 对你的嘘寒问暖却不及她的一个微笑

I will always be, even if love pale. 我会一直在,纵使爱变苍白

your name with my life.(你的名字伴我生老病死.)

Smile when it hurts most. 最痛苦的时候,请微笑。

It is never too late to start again.重头开始永远不会晚。

The darkness is no darkness with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗

The snow falls into my heart, good cold cold..(那雪花飘进我的心里,好冷好冷。。)

Without you the world who accompany with me.(没有你的世界谁与我相伴)

° If through time,through love.倘若看透时光看透爱。

° I am not greed but I envy [ 我没有贪婪我羡慕海枯石烂 ]

I'm afraid of change, but have to let the change

You are my song sing not over of song [伱是我一首唱不完的歌]

Million pet as a people who understand(万人宠不如一人懂)

Love is not to refuse

I know I'm just a dork

In fact, every smile, only need to hurt,其实天天笑的人,才需要人疼,

The fox(狐狸叫):Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow!

I’m sorry I’m sorry,I'm sorry,baby.

Stay with me. Don't leave me alone.

I know I'm just a dork. 我知道我只是一个逗逼

- Your world didn't if I was clean . {你的世界没了我是不是清净了许多}

A day without laughter is a day wasted. 没有笑声的一天是浪费了的一天。

You never know, the surface be subordinate to you behind your back is how to poke your spine.

You will never understand, kind of think you into the night couldn't sleep.

You really for me, I want you to the truth.你真心对过我吗,我要你的实话。

you are my hero.

I like a fool by playing until you leave.我像个傻子样被你玩弄直至抛弃。

If you do not love me why close to me.

Don't realize too much which will let you down .{不雅知道太多,会难过}

You don't laugh tears away

[{Because without you my world is only black} 因为没有你 我的世界才变黑

Sunlight doesn't sunshine.(阳光不阳光)

Heartache not heartache. (心伤不心伤)

I will try for your love.

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