


发布时间:2020-07-11 23:26:10


Don't be too hasty to give your heart away.

If you do not think about your future, you cannot have it. 如果你不思考未來,你就不會有未來

I Is it right? The person you love most!

Thank you, let me become be extremely cruel and merciless

Just because I'm mad doesn't mean I stop caring. 雖然生氣,卻還是在乎你。

I am not the sly fox ,I forever love you-----希望你知道,永遠愛你i

The dreams in which l'm dying are the best. 夢見自己死去,是最爲甜美的夢!

[           You say we're just good friends ]  你說我們隻是好朋友


I will greet this day with love in my heart(我要用全身心的愛來迎接今天)

愛永遠不會嫌晚。 It is never too late to fall in love.


A strong woman will cry, but will not admit defeat


阿瑾: Everyone deserves a second chance. 每個人都該有重來一次的機會

The strong your heart is,the buighter your smile will be。--内心越強大,笑的越漂亮。

We never really grow up。We only learn how to act in pubilc。我們從未真正成長,我們隻是學會了假裝。

Some times,the right one for you os the one who was there the whole time。

At the time of I love you ,as long as you love me.

Too love to do friends?太深愛的人要怎麽做朋友?

Because of who I am when I am with you .

I love you not for who you are,but for who I an before you.

you are my sun!

I will always be, even if love pale. 我會一直在,縱使愛變蒼白

『Wipe away the tears, you're still the king 。』【擦掉眼淚,你依舊是王。】

Anyway, don't abandon me。[無論怎樣都不要放棄我。]

The heart has exhausted, again can not stand tempestuous. 心已經疲憊了,再也經不起颠簸了

Love is say it . 喜歡都是說出來的。

現在的我哭着離開了 留下一張紙條,沒有寫别的什麽

: [ You can't warm my heart don't make it more cold , ]

Empty promises will wear 空洞的承諾總會磨損殆盡

There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界裏沒有愛情。

You were never mine to lose. 你從來就不屬于我,談不上什麽失去

I am not greed but I envy。我沒有貪婪但我羨慕海枯石爛。

The Fightting Boys我可以爲你平凡或完美!

Smile to cover up the sad and silent all the way.~~~微笑掩蓋悲傷,沉默诠釋一切

Yesterday, spent. Today, cherish. Tomorrow, for. Right, stick to. Wrong, give up.

Spend some time, always see something. Some things, some people always see.


Never regret anything, because it once is what you want.

Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much, and just go where your heart takes you

The moment you think about giving up,think of the reason why you held on so long.

永遠不要對任何事感到後悔,因爲它曾經一度就是你想要的。 -------Never regret anything, because it once

because of you ,

待你長發及腰 少年我早已是千年老妖

You are my worth guardian forever 你是我值得永遠守護的人

ぃThe truthゝthat you leave°

A Girl Can Also Do Everthing For The Boy

you are my all.

Cherish every still people around.

Don't be too hasty to give your heart away.

If you do not think about your future, you cannot have it. 如果你不思考未来,你就不会有未来

I Is it right? The person you love most!

Thank you, let me become be extremely cruel and merciless

Just because I'm mad doesn't mean I stop caring. 虽然生气,却还是在乎你。

I am not the sly fox ,I forever love you-----希望你知道,永远爱你i

The dreams in which l'm dying are the best. 梦见自己死去,是最为甜美的梦!

[           You say we're just good friends ]  你说我们只是好朋友


I will greet this day with love in my heart(我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天)

爱永远不会嫌晚。 It is never too late to fall in love.


A strong woman will cry, but will not admit defeat


阿瑾: Everyone deserves a second chance. 每个人都该有重来一次的机会

The strong your heart is,the buighter your smile will be。--内心越强大,笑的越漂亮。

We never really grow up。We only learn how to act in pubilc。我们从未真正成长,我们只是学会了假装。

Some times,the right one for you os the one who was there the whole time。

At the time of I love you ,as long as you love me.

Too love to do friends?太深爱的人要怎么做朋友?

Because of who I am when I am with you .

I love you not for who you are,but for who I an before you.

you are my sun!

I will always be, even if love pale. 我会一直在,纵使爱变苍白

『Wipe away the tears, you're still the king 。』【擦掉眼泪,你依旧是王。】

Anyway, don't abandon me。[无论怎样都不要放弃我。]

The heart has exhausted, again can not stand tempestuous. 心已经疲惫了,再也经不起颠簸了

Love is say it . 喜欢都是说出来的。

现在的我哭着离开了 留下一张纸条,没有写别的什么

: [ You can't warm my heart don't make it more cold , ]

Empty promises will wear 空洞的承诺总会磨损殆尽

There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界里没有爱情。

You were never mine to lose. 你从来就不属于我,谈不上什么失去

I am not greed but I envy。我没有贪婪但我羡慕海枯石烂。

The Fightting Boys我可以为你平凡或完美!

Smile to cover up the sad and silent all the way.~~~微笑掩盖悲伤,沉默诠释一切

Yesterday, spent. Today, cherish. Tomorrow, for. Right, stick to. Wrong, give up.

Spend some time, always see something. Some things, some people always see.


Never regret anything, because it once is what you want.

Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much, and just go where your heart takes you

The moment you think about giving up,think of the reason why you held on so long.

永远不要对任何事感到后悔,因为它曾经一度就是你想要的。 -------Never regret anything, because it once

because of you ,

待你长发及腰 少年我早已是千年老妖

You are my worth guardian forever 你是我值得永远守护的人

ぃThe truthゝthat you leave°

A Girl Can Also Do Everthing For The Boy

you are my all.

Cherish every still people around.

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