


发布时间:2020-07-09 18:43:28


I love Tomorrow, in which you are living. 深愛着 有你所在的明天。

Don't give me shelter suddenly I am afraid without you(别替我遮風擋雨我害怕突然失去你)

You are the only love I'll need

And all along I believed I would find you

he is faith 。他是信仰

Don't give me shelter suddenly I am afraid without you

fuck you

you can you up ,no can no bb!(你行你上,不行别比比!)

you don‘t know you are beautiful

Bitch is so bitch

Always use deep to let go.總是用情深的先放手。

Since then love you, how to make you sad.

No one should be sad for him and then I went to

I am a does not contain any additives lunatic .我是一個不含任何添加劑的瘋子。

Get busy living or get busy dying.( 要麽好好活着,要麽趕緊去死。) 《肖申克的救贖》

NO victory comes out without price. (沒有人能随随便便成功。) 《絕望主婦》

You got a dream.You gotta protect it.( 如果你有夢想的話,就要去捍衛它。) 《當幸福來敲門》

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. ( 事情本不該是這樣。) 《吸血鬼日記》

I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.(我走得很慢,但是我從來不會後退。)

.Time always save the best for last.時間總是把最好的人留到最後

The less you give a damn, the happier you will be. 你越不在乎,你就越快樂。

.If have no you How do I go down.(如果沒有你我如何走下去)

Your life is not a dream、(你是命,不是夢。)

‘Do you love me?’'I did.'

my heart

There is no sense of security people can not give you the moment when, in addition to your own.

When I close my eyes Idon't see myself but you.閉上眼看不見自己你卻清晰可見。

All I need is you needing me. ——我最需要的就是,你需要我。

Heard that love is murder this sentence 聽說深愛是場謀殺



江虞: - You ruined my desire is to love you may 【你毀掉的是我渴望繼續愛你的可能】

High school love on

If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.

If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.總在乎其他人怎麽看你

Everything is going on, but don't give up trying.萬事随緣,但不要放棄努力。

Lost time is never found again.

We don't always get our hopes and dreams, and we don't always get our own way.

However mean your life is, meet it and live it;do not shun it and call it hard names.

Take Me To Your Heart (讓我靠近你的心)

[Love you So I believe in you. 因爲愛你 所以我相信你]

I am me, not the same color fireworks.

I close the eye, alone passes through the recollection - 我閉上眼睛,獨自走過回憶

Loves the plot is only to monopolize your eye pupil - 愛的陰謀隻是爲獨占住你的眼眸

beautiful finally still beautiful flowers are soon picked - 傾國傾城終究還是紅顔薄命

His heart has belonged to another - 他的心裏每一寸都屬于另一個人

The sea is not blue, I wouldn't be - 海不會不藍,我不會不在

I have a heart to accompany you to the old - 我有顆陪伴你到老的心

Unfounded worry only invite humiliation - 自作多情的下場隻有自取其辱

I love Tomorrow, in which you are living. 深爱着 有你所在的明天。

Don't give me shelter suddenly I am afraid without you(别替我遮风挡雨我害怕突然失去你)

You are the only love I'll need

And all along I believed I would find you

he is faith 。他是信仰

Don't give me shelter suddenly I am afraid without you

fuck you

you can you up ,no can no bb!(你行你上,不行别比比!)

you don‘t know you are beautiful

Bitch is so bitch

Always use deep to let go.总是用情深的先放手。

Since then love you, how to make you sad.

No one should be sad for him and then I went to

I am a does not contain any additives lunatic .我是一个不含任何添加剂的疯子。

Get busy living or get busy dying.( 要么好好活着,要么赶紧去死。) 《肖申克的救赎》

NO victory comes out without price. (没有人能随随便便成功。) 《绝望主妇》

You got a dream.You gotta protect it.( 如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。) 《当幸福来敲门》

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. ( 事情本不该是这样。) 《吸血鬼日记》

I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.(我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。)

.Time always save the best for last.时间总是把最好的人留到最后

The less you give a damn, the happier you will be. 你越不在乎,你就越快乐。

.If have no you How do I go down.(如果没有你我如何走下去)

Your life is not a dream、(你是命,不是梦。)

‘Do you love me?’'I did.'

my heart

There is no sense of security people can not give you the moment when, in addition to your own.

When I close my eyes Idon't see myself but you.闭上眼看不见自己你却清晰可见。

All I need is you needing me. ——我最需要的就是,你需要我。

Heard that love is murder this sentence 听说深爱是场谋杀



江虞: - You ruined my desire is to love you may 【你毁掉的是我渴望继续爱你的可能】

High school love on

If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.

If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.总在乎其他人怎么看你

Everything is going on, but don't give up trying.万事随缘,但不要放弃努力。

Lost time is never found again.

We don't always get our hopes and dreams, and we don't always get our own way.

However mean your life is, meet it and live it;do not shun it and call it hard names.

Take Me To Your Heart (让我靠近你的心)

[Love you So I believe in you. 因为爱你 所以我相信你]

I am me, not the same color fireworks.

I close the eye, alone passes through the recollection - 我闭上眼睛,独自走过回忆

Loves the plot is only to monopolize your eye pupil - 爱的阴谋只是为独占住你的眼眸

beautiful finally still beautiful flowers are soon picked - 倾国倾城终究还是红颜薄命

His heart has belonged to another - 他的心里每一寸都属于另一个人

The sea is not blue, I wouldn't be - 海不会不蓝,我不会不在

I have a heart to accompany you to the old - 我有颗陪伴你到老的心

Unfounded worry only invite humiliation - 自作多情的下场只有自取其辱

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