


发布时间:2020-07-09 17:51:10


Very Important Person !

You are my sunshine.



Some unseen fingers,like an idle breeze,are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples

Let up across hell and reach to heaven!

You are my first , You are my last .

Long time no see

one Hundred Dream NinetY-Nine You一百個夢九十九個你

Hate you love me do harm to my thing.[特讨厭說愛我卻做傷害我事的人]

他們不是你的命,也不是你的至親,你何苦拼了命,去保護一群若即若離的gou!——Those who do pay

我在笑啊,隻是眼角有水而已啊I was laughing, just corner there is water

天很藍呢,可惜你在地底看不見呢Sky is blue, it's a pity that you in underground can't see

This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.——這就是我,沒人說你必須喜歡這樣的我。

Never give up,Never lose hope.



Don't always think not so many disappointments.别總妄想也就沒那麽多失望

I love a man should not love .我愛着一個不該愛的人

Warm words hidden in the bottom of my heart to have to use.暖心的話藏在心底有何用

No one knows when I am not happy我不開心的時候,根本沒有人知道

The chat every day even if not lovers You will also depend on him天天聊天的人就算不是情侶 你也會依賴

Seagull : - You are my lifelong lover。

Do not always delusions are not so much disappointed.别總妄想也就沒那麽多失望

Seagull : - You are my lifelong lover.

I like a noodle, jumped into the life of this bowl of soup.[我就像一根面條,縱身跳進生活這碗面湯。]

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. 總說實話,就不用總是記得

This seconds don't give up, next second will have hope.[這一秒不放棄,下一秒就會有希望。]

At that time I, also sun than now.那時候的我,比現在還陽光。

There is no love queen of the world

Recalled before, cry a little bit sorry for some happiness

Possess you

Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime【遇見彼此,不枉此生。】

You And I Were Meant To Be.你和我早已命中注定。

That kind of love is only one (那種愛情叫唯一)

Have you is enough 【有你足矣】

I am afraid of dark.

We are tired of waiting.(我們都厭倦了等待)

I want to travel around the world.(我想遨遊全世界)

他說愛你,又不是隻愛你。He said I love you, not only love you.

That is the one I love most 。 那是我最愛的人。


We are too young to talk about forever. 我們太年輕,談不起永遠。

Hand your hand, and son Xielao, never abandon, in life and death【執子之手與子偕老不離不棄生死相依】

share with each other till the end of life 【分享彼此直到生命的終結】

My heart beats for you 我的心跳動爲了你

愛情的熾熱勝過千萬團的火 Love warms more than a thousand fires.

You hold hands is agreed. Said 你說過牽了手就是約定

Very Important Person !

You are my sunshine.



Some unseen fingers,like an idle breeze,are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples

Let up across hell and reach to heaven!

You are my first , You are my last .

Long time no see

one Hundred Dream NinetY-Nine You一百个梦九十九个你

Hate you love me do harm to my thing.[特讨厌说爱我却做伤害我事的人]

他们不是你的命,也不是你的至亲,你何苦拼了命,去保护一群若即若离的gou!——Those who do pay

我在笑啊,只是眼角有水而已啊I was laughing, just corner there is water

天很蓝呢,可惜你在地底看不见呢Sky is blue, it's a pity that you in underground can't see

This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it.——这就是我,没人说你必须喜欢这样的我。

Never give up,Never lose hope.



Don't always think not so many disappointments.别总妄想也就没那么多失望

I love a man should not love .我爱着一个不该爱的人

Warm words hidden in the bottom of my heart to have to use.暖心的话藏在心底有何用

No one knows when I am not happy我不开心的时候,根本没有人知道

The chat every day even if not lovers You will also depend on him天天聊天的人就算不是情侣 你也会依赖

Seagull : - You are my lifelong lover。

Do not always delusions are not so much disappointed.别总妄想也就没那么多失望

Seagull : - You are my lifelong lover.

I like a noodle, jumped into the life of this bowl of soup.[我就像一根面条,纵身跳进生活这碗面汤。]

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. 总说实话,就不用总是记得

This seconds don't give up, next second will have hope.[这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。]

At that time I, also sun than now.那时候的我,比现在还阳光。

There is no love queen of the world

Recalled before, cry a little bit sorry for some happiness

Possess you

Meet each other, do not waste this lifetime【遇见彼此,不枉此生。】

You And I Were Meant To Be.你和我早已命中注定。

That kind of love is only one (那种爱情叫唯一)

Have you is enough 【有你足矣】

I am afraid of dark.

We are tired of waiting.(我们都厌倦了等待)

I want to travel around the world.(我想遨游全世界)

他说爱你,又不是只爱你。He said I love you, not only love you.

That is the one I love most 。 那是我最爱的人。


We are too young to talk about forever. 我们太年轻,谈不起永远。

Hand your hand, and son Xielao, never abandon, in life and death【执子之手与子偕老不离不弃生死相依】

share with each other till the end of life 【分享彼此直到生命的终结】

My heart beats for you 我的心跳动为了你

爱情的炽热胜过千万团的火 Love warms more than a thousand fires.

You hold hands is agreed. Said 你说过牵了手就是约定

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