



today is 25 January, 2013. i just got an question from a QQ group called ITM, which is very much like a association established by those of students who have applied for the post-graduates program in HKBU. actually, it reminded of the interview for my application about 10 days ago. i remember that day when i got the notification from the examiner that they had arrange an interview for me. i was so nervous, coz i never had an official interview before, not to mention having it with the executive from HKBU---the university that i desire to go for my post-graduate program. in order to perform well, i started preparing for it. first, i log in the home page to search the relevant information about this university, including the history, educational concept, academic atmosphere and something like that. since i applied for the ITM, i then surfed the internet to find the information related to this, like what is ITM, how can they be applied in various field and what does it consist of. after that, those information were memorized one by one and something important were marked as well. that is to say, i had already make a fully preparation.

nobody called me until 10th--the day before that interview. it was a consultant from the middle agency and she was to have an simulate interview for me to evaluate me. she asked me a bunch of question that were all prepared by me before, which, i have to say, helped me to pick up my confidence.

i didn't know if the interview was going well or not, but yesterday, i just saw from the school page that my application number had been written in the enroll list, which means i had been admitted to continue my learning in this university, although the offer has not been sent. however, i feel sooooo happy that i make it.

now, it still has one thing that was my result. in general, it would be known in Friday about 10 a.m. but it is 10.30 a.m. now, it still has nothing, which makes me sooooo nervous. anyway, i can do nothing but pray. it's always be my hope that i can got 6.5. but if it does, i will never give up to pursuit the higher education. i believe i can do it well. please help me.

today is 25 January, 2013. i just got an question from a QQ group called ITM, which is very much like a association established by those of students who have applied for the post-graduates program in HKBU. actually, it reminded of the interview for my application about 10 days ago. i remember that day when i got the notification from the examiner that they had arrange an interview for me. i was so nervous, coz i never had an official interview before, not to mention having it with the executive from HKBU---the university that i desire to go for my post-graduate program. in order to perform well, i started preparing for it. first, i log in the home page to search the relevant information about this university, including the history, educational concept, academic atmosphere and something like that. since i applied for the ITM, i then surfed the internet to find the information related to this, like what is ITM, how can they be applied in various field and what does it consist of. after that, those information were memorized one by one and something important were marked as well. that is to say, i had already make a fully preparation.

nobody called me until 10th--the day before that interview. it was a consultant from the middle agency and she was to have an simulate interview for me to evaluate me. she asked me a bunch of question that were all prepared by me before, which, i have to say, helped me to pick up my confidence.

i didn't know if the interview was going well or not, but yesterday, i just saw from the school page that my application number had been written in the enroll list, which means i had been admitted to continue my learning in this university, although the offer has not been sent. however, i feel sooooo happy that i make it.

now, it still has one thing that was my result. in general, it would be known in Friday about 10 a.m. but it is 10.30 a.m. now, it still has nothing, which makes me sooooo nervous. anyway, i can do nothing but pray. it's always be my hope that i can got 6.5. but if it does, i will never give up to pursuit the higher education. i believe i can do it well. please help me.




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诗歌和梦一样 给我们解脱和自由




上一篇:*       青春,生命精彩的段落




