

简单小清新英文分组 When it's said and done I'll give me to you


Eyebrow eye as

(眉眼如初)The same time(歲月如故)當一切塵埃落定When it's said and done我會将自己交付于你I'll give me to you有多遠How far i s i t需幾年For a few year我陪你I accompany you漫天星不及你一人sky star than you白發蒼蒼隻爲等你grey-haired only for you宴席百桌你已娶她banquet 100 table youhave to marry her卻換來一條白绫綢but for a white silkKnow how are you simple認識你好簡單Is to say hello就是打個招呼Then a joke然後開個玩笑But estranged from simpler但是疏遠更簡單You can just around the corner你明明就在眼前I can as you don't exist我也能當做你不存在And then smile to others然後對别人笑你離開時If I Stay【我如果挽留】你是否會爲我停下腳步No Longer Forward【不再向前】Goodbyehug。。Going the wrong way走錯了路Remember to look back要記得回頭Love the wrong man愛錯了人To let go要懂得放手The wind is very good[風吹很好]Flowers is very good[花開很好]As long as you are[隻要你在]What all good[什麽都好]

Eyebrow eye as

(眉眼如初)The same time(岁月如故)当一切尘埃落定When it's said and done我会将自己交付于你I'll give me to you有多远How far i s i t需几年For a few year我陪你I accompany you漫天星不及你一人sky star than you白发苍苍只为等你grey-haired only for you宴席百桌你已娶她banquet 100 table youhave to marry her却换来一条白绫绸but for a white silkKnow how are you simple认识你好简单Is to say hello就是打个招呼Then a joke然后开个玩笑But estranged from simpler但是疏远更简单You can just around the corner你明明就在眼前I can as you don't exist我也能当做你不存在And then smile to others然后对别人笑你离开时If I Stay【我如果挽留】你是否会为我停下脚步No Longer Forward【不再向前】Goodbyehug。。Going the wrong way走错了路Remember to look back要记得回头Love the wrong man爱错了人To let go要懂得放手The wind is very good[风吹很好]Flowers is very good[花开很好]As long as you are[只要你在]What all good[什么都好]

经典搞笑分组 抢劫练长跑,打架练手脚

┏╮/╱℡╰★ ╮ ╱/╰┛ 梦想有一天走到婚姻的殿堂.搂着你的细腰.几月后.生个儿子.︶︸﹊︸ ̄︶︸ ̄.╭╮╭╮.╭◆┴┴◆╮│︵ ︵ │╰○--○╯爱你一生...[全文阅读]

简单伤感英文分组 I need you as the heart needs beating

★- Just remember。- I will you  , ┏     ┓  Je t' aime ┗     ┛ ド浪漫旳罪名ㄗ═ ═ ═ ◆ ◇"...[全文阅读]

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∩∩(﹁﹁)。为你痴 ゝ就这样一起相伴◆┼───────ㄨ爱的路上◆两个人不离不弃◆就这样一起走过∩∩(﹁﹁)。为你狂 ゝ就这样...[全文阅读]

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本文标题:简单小清新英文分组 When it's said and done I'll give me to you


上一篇:自信搞笑分组 不要迷恋姐 姐会让你流鼻血

下一篇:爱情图案分组 我只要和你在一起 执子之手 与子偕老



