

简单伤感英文分组 I need you as the heart needs beating



- Just remember。- I will you  , ┏     ┓  Je t' aime ┗     ┛ ド浪漫旳罪名ㄗ═ ═ ═ ◆ ◇"Ni idea,ミ or do not read me┓ ┗ Loveミ out there╱┗ ╱Not ┗To notToThe stars------ Say、 Gameヽ Say、Friend ヽ Say、 Home ヽ Say、 Middle ヽ Say、Strangeヽ Say、Studentsヽ Say、Ordinaryヽ Say、 Teacherヽ____。The End    ╭⌒⌒╮Am I still the one?╰I'm still the one  , 、,ˊˋ、  `.    ,′   ˋ . ˊ again,You know﹏っ  ═════ 'all these lovers'I'm still the one── ?﹏﹏有時侯? 我 ? 在想如果能穿回到過去ωο 會告訴你────── ? ╱ yo♥ ╲ ▏ are ▕ ▏ my ▕ ▏ only ▕ ╲ l♥ve ╱    ╭⌒⌒╮Am I still the one?╰I'm still the one  , 、,ˊˋ、  `.    ,′   ˋ . ˊ again,You know﹏っ  ═════ 'all these lovers'I'm still the one    ┏╮/╱℡    ╰★ ╮     ╱/╰┛         Is there a timeㄟ      so once,        You,      ゜listen to the song  ?、think of meI love you so我是如此愛你but you has been gone但你卻轉身離開Do you know你可知道I need you as the我需要你就像heart needs beating心髒需要跳動一樣┼─────——- I am you- You are me- We are one- Take me in your arm- And flow through me- I'll flow through you━━━━ ◆◇ヽ      ◥◢      ◤◣Sometimes,        ﹏﹏。I just needこ       someoneっwho can╮      ゜chat with me Z012.6.28 ■□ Never say never。I hate forever The word 所謂永遠、Are together the time. 永遠。隻是個無稽之談。 Jay,A autograph


- Just remember。- I will you  , ┏     ┓  Je t' aime ┗     ┛ ド浪漫旳罪名ㄗ═ ═ ═ ◆ ◇"Ni idea,ミ or do not read me┓ ┗ Loveミ out there╱┗ ╱Not ┗To notToThe stars------ Say、 Gameヽ Say、Friend ヽ Say、 Home ヽ Say、 Middle ヽ Say、Strangeヽ Say、Studentsヽ Say、Ordinaryヽ Say、 Teacherヽ____。The End    ╭⌒⌒╮Am I still the one?╰I'm still the one  , 、,ˊˋ、  `.    ,′   ˋ . ˊ again,You know﹏っ  ═════ 'all these lovers'I'm still the one── ?﹏﹏有时侯? 我 ? 在想如果能穿回到过去ωο 会告诉你────── ? ╱ yo♥ ╲ ▏ are ▕ ▏ my ▕ ▏ only ▕ ╲ l♥ve ╱    ╭⌒⌒╮Am I still the one?╰I'm still the one  , 、,ˊˋ、  `.    ,′   ˋ . ˊ again,You know﹏っ  ═════ 'all these lovers'I'm still the one    ┏╮/╱℡    ╰★ ╮     ╱/╰┛         Is there a timeㄟ      so once,        You,      ゜listen to the song  ?、think of meI love you so我是如此爱你but you has been gone但你却转身离开Do you know你可知道I need you as the我需要你就像heart needs beating心脏需要跳动一样┼─────——- I am you- You are me- We are one- Take me in your arm- And flow through me- I'll flow through you━━━━ ◆◇ヽ      ◥◢      ◤◣Sometimes,        ﹏﹏。I just needこ       someoneっwho can╮      ゜chat with me Z012.6.28 ■□ Never say never。I hate forever The word 所谓永远、Are together the time. 永远。只是个无稽之谈。 Jay,A autograph

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┏╮/╱℡╰★ ╮ ╱/╰┛ 梦想有一天走到婚姻的殿堂.搂着你的细腰.几月后.生个儿子.︶︸﹊︸ ̄︶︸ ̄.╭╮╭╮.╭◆┴┴◆╮│︵ ︵ │╰○--○╯爱你一生...[全文阅读]

简单伤感英文分组 I need you as the heart needs beating

★- Just remember。- I will you  , ┏     ┓  Je t' aime ┗     ┛ ド浪漫旳罪名ㄗ═ ═ ═ ◆ ◇"...[全文阅读]

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本文标题:简单伤感英文分组 I need you as the heart needs beating



下一篇:伤感的个性分组图案 爱情是个笑话,而我睡过了头



