

英文可爱QQ分组 fish have a heart Only seven seconds


??[fish have a heart]

魚有一顆心i[Only seven seconds]唯有七秒情i[cat has nine lives]貓有九條命i[Only one heart]唯有一顆心i你說過愛我You said you love me卻欺騙了我But lied to me你說過陪我You said accompany me卻抛棄了我But abandoned me╪──────The plot of a fairy t[童話故事的情節]No regret and defect[沒有遺憾和缺陷]Silent painted in the e[沉默畫上了 句點]Want to say goodbye to[好想告别從前]?┅━━━━┅?You left the你離開了My heart ache我心痛了I shed tears我流淚了The heart also died心也死了Beautiful flower[再美的花朵 ]Bloom had litter[盛開過就凋落]Then brightest star[再亮眼的星]Flash will fall[一閃過就墜落][我渾身是刺I am full of thor滿身是傷 ]Is covered with wounds.[ 我全身是傷My body is hurt蛇蠍心腸 ]have a Bad heart[你在我安]You are in my[你擁我暖]You hold me warm[你離我泣]You leave me to cry[你走我亡]You leave me to dead我會笑iI will laugh at I我會哭iI would cry I我會痛iI will be pain I我會累iI'm tired of I北城荒涼[ Beicheng desolate ]故人難忘[ With unforgettable ]歲月安好[ Who lived deep ]靜待彷徨[ Waiting for stray ]

??[fish have a heart]

鱼有一颗心i[Only seven seconds]唯有七秒情i[cat has nine lives]猫有九条命i[Only one heart]唯有一颗心i你说过爱我You said you love me却欺骗了我But lied to me你说过陪我You said accompany me却抛弃了我But abandoned me╪──────The plot of a fairy t[童话故事的情节]No regret and defect[没有遗憾和缺陷]Silent painted in the e[沉默画上了 句点]Want to say goodbye to[好想告别从前]?┅━━━━┅?You left the你离开了My heart ache我心痛了I shed tears我流泪了The heart also died心也死了Beautiful flower[再美的花朵 ]Bloom had litter[盛开过就凋落]Then brightest star[再亮眼的星]Flash will fall[一闪过就坠落][我浑身是刺I am full of thor满身是伤 ]Is covered with wounds.[ 我全身是伤My body is hurt蛇蝎心肠 ]have a Bad heart[你在我安]You are in my[你拥我暖]You hold me warm[你离我泣]You leave me to cry[你走我亡]You leave me to dead我会笑iI will laugh at I我会哭iI would cry I我会痛iI will be pain I我会累iI'm tired of I北城荒凉[ Beicheng desolate ]故人难忘[ With unforgettable ]岁月安好[ Who lived deep ]静待彷徨[ Waiting for stray ]

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┏╮/╱℡╰★ ╮ ╱/╰┛ 梦想有一天走到婚姻的殿堂.搂着你的细腰.几月后.生个儿子.︶︸﹊︸ ̄︶︸ ̄.╭╮╭╮.╭◆┴┴◆╮│︵ ︵ │╰○--○╯爱你一生...[全文阅读]

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如果.︵○ ╭ァ没有作业『。没有测试. ︵ 。▼▼╭ァ没有测试 『。没有考试. ︵ 。▼▼ ╭ァ我想每个人都会『。很喜欢上学的. ︵╱▔╲╱▔╲小幸福╲╱我们的...[全文阅读]

本文标题:英文可爱QQ分组 fish have a heart Only seven seconds


上一篇:男生情感分组 很喜欢自由常犯错 爱说谎但总会内疚

下一篇:可爱图案分组 只是心情不好 除了吃得下饭什么都不想做



