


发布时间:2022-03-31 00:30:02


1、Will you still lov

2、If you have no friends, tell me, I will be your friend. 如果你沒有閨密,告訴我,我來當你閨密

3、Silence is the best answer defamation

4、I can only love you one, because I have only got a full of love. 我隻能愛你一次因爲我隻有一次完整的愛。

5、Wound like me, a stubborn child, not .(傷口就像我一樣,是個倔強的孩子,不肯愈合.)

6、Time never speaks but answers allquestions.時間從來不語,卻回答了所有問題

7、Don't give up and don't give in. 不要放棄,不要言敗!

8、I am never going back

9、Every soul has a rose and a moon每個靈魂裏都有一朵玫瑰和一輪明月

10、If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 離開我就别安慰我 要知道每一次縫補也會遭遇穿刺的痛。

11、In love folly is always sweet. 戀愛中,幹傻事總是讓人感到十分美妙。

12、There are steps to happiness: you ,me ,our hearts,together! 通往幸福隻需要四步:你、我、我們的

13、Smile, Because you’re beautiful; stand strong, Because haters can't bring you down. 微笑吧,因爲你笑起來很美麗;保持堅強吧,因爲這樣誰都不可以打倒你。

14、how are you ? how old are you? 怎麽是你,怎麽老是你?

15、No meeting, no story. 沒有遇見就沒有故事。

16、I'm afraid of serious to the wrong person. 我怕認真給錯人。

17、Life is fine and enjoyable,bet you must learn to enjoy your fine life. 人生是美好的,但要學會如何享用美好的生活。

18、Disappointment is injured, than be more painful thing. 失望是比受傷,更讓人痛苦的事情。

19、Ihavefinallyfoundthatlifegoesonwithoutyou. 最後我終于發現,沒有你,我的生活還是照樣在轉。

20、Not a bit of effort, which come to life不努力一點哪來的一輩子

21、Better a frank denial than unilling compliance(勉強應允不如坦誠拒絕)

22、Promise more,not be,that's just a lie

23、[ 心裏有座墳 葬着未亡人.]

24、You are not me, you don't know my loneliness, itas after

25、Misfortunes never come alone/single

26、Your way, henceforth not see my old. 你的路途,從此不見我的蒼老。

27、[ I just wanna be with you. 我隻想和你在一起。]

28、Dread is produced

29、Your duplicity. 你口是心非。

30、What does not kill you makes you stronger. 任何不會緻你于死的都會讓你變得更強。

31、The scenery is in your eyes, the world is not as good as yours. 風光盡在你眼底,天地不如你懷裏。

32、I have loved you with all my heart,I have nothing but sorrow. 我曾赤誠天真地愛過你,除了傷心難過,一無所得。

33、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我卻隻是你人生中的一章節。

34、you are my dream of dead. 你是我已死去的夢。

35、When distinction disguises the smile, is the final arewell tune. 分别時假裝的微笑,是最後的告别曲。

36、Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person. 有時候,你想念的是記憶,不是人

37、I am not greed but I envy. 我沒有貪婪但我羨慕海枯石爛

38、Afterlife strada solitaria, ho dovuto trovare qualcuno da servire. 來世路上太寂寞,我總得找個人伺候。

39、I love people who now hold . 我深愛的人現在抱着誰。

40、Please hours fly fast. 美好時光最易流逝

41、Never live in the past but always learn from it. 不要沉迷于過去,而是要從中吸取教訓。

42、When I am silent to say all in the eyes. 當我沉默時 ,想說的話全在眼裏。

43、The wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.(被風吹散的思念,卷起不羁的時間)

44、No matter what label is thrown your way, only you can define yourself.不管你被貼上什麽标簽,隻有你才能

45、Take chances, give everything, and leave with no regrets

46、Always like this, remembers are too few, forgets too many. 總是這樣,記得的太少,忘記得太多。

47、My heart is like a lion, loud, proud and fearless. 我的心就像一隻獅子,響亮,驕傲而無畏。

48、I have a strong desire to be close to me you don't want to go. 我的占有欲很強 靠近了我你就别想走。

49、I have never missed anyone as much as I miss you. 我從沒想念任何人,像想念你這麽多。

50、It's great to have you in the world and I only wish that the time would be peaceful in our rest of lives

51、Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. 愛是單一的靈魂栖息在兩個軀體裏。

52、In the wind and snow, I was too old to show my joys and sorrows. 往後風雪肆意,我也過了顯露悲喜的年紀。

53、Some wound s, a long time will slowly grow, some grievance, it also relieved. 有些傷口,時間久了就會慢慢長好,有些委屈,想 通了也就釋然了。

54、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not. 你在時你是一切,你不在時一切是你。

55、Learn to see things, is to protect their best. 學着看淡一些事情,才是對自己最好的保護。

56、Maybe it's a pity to like it,but nut to have it(也許是有些遺憾,那麽喜歡卻不能擁有)

57、Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it'll happen. 凡事不要心急。時間對了,要來的總會來。

58、Life, half is memory, half is to continue. 生活,一半是回憶,一半是繼續。


59、Finding the right person is the best luxury. 找到一個對的人,是給自己最好的奢侈品。

60、Old love, new love, between love and be loved, it is a misery. 舊愛、新歡,愛與被愛之間,就是一場苦難。

61、A person to survive all the sad, when you want it, time will give you. 一個人努力挺過所有心酸難過,之後你想要的,歲月它都會給你。

62、Youth pain although similar, but the youth story but each are not identical, 青春的疼痛雖然雷同,可是青春的故事卻各不相同。


63、We draw further apart, but the same. 【vs】 我們背道而馳,最後卻殊途同歸。

64、If you see the shadow in front, do not be afraid, it is because the sun behind you...... 如果你看到面前的陰影,别怕,那是因爲你的背後有陽光……

1、Will you still lov

2、If you have no friends, tell me, I will be your friend. 如果你没有闺密,告诉我,我来当你闺密

3、Silence is the best answer defamation

4、I can only love you one, because I have only got a full of love. 我只能爱你一次因为我只有一次完整的爱。

5、Wound like me, a stubborn child, not .(伤口就像我一样,是个倔强的孩子,不肯愈合.)

6、Time never speaks but answers allquestions.时间从来不语,却回答了所有问题

7、Don't give up and don't give in. 不要放弃,不要言败!

8、I am never going back

9、Every soul has a rose and a moon每个灵魂里都有一朵玫瑰和一轮明月

10、If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 离开我就别安慰我 要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。

11、In love folly is always sweet. 恋爱中,干傻事总是让人感到十分美妙。

12、There are steps to happiness: you ,me ,our hearts,together! 通往幸福只需要四步:你、我、我们的

13、Smile, Because you’re beautiful; stand strong, Because haters can't bring you down. 微笑吧,因为你笑起来很美丽;保持坚强吧,因为这样谁都不可以打倒你。

14、how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?

15、No meeting, no story. 没有遇见就没有故事。

16、I'm afraid of serious to the wrong person. 我怕认真给错人。

17、Life is fine and enjoyable,bet you must learn to enjoy your fine life. 人生是美好的,但要学会如何享用美好的生活。

18、Disappointment is injured, than be more painful thing. 失望是比受伤,更让人痛苦的事情。

19、Ihavefinallyfoundthatlifegoesonwithoutyou. 最后我终于发现,没有你,我的生活还是照样在转。

20、Not a bit of effort, which come to life不努力一点哪来的一辈子

21、Better a frank denial than unilling compliance(勉强应允不如坦诚拒绝

22、Promise more,not be,that's just a lie

23、[ 心里有座坟 葬着未亡人.]

24、You are not me, you don't know my loneliness, itas after

25、Misfortunes never come alone/single

26、Your way, henceforth not see my old. 你的路途,从此不见我的苍老。

27、[ I just wanna be with you. 我只想和你在一起。]

28、Dread is produced

29、Your duplicity. 你口是心非。

30、What does not kill you makes you stronger. 任何不会致你于死的都会让你变得更强。

31、The scenery is in your eyes, the world is not as good as yours. 风光尽在你眼底,天地不如你怀里。

32、I have loved you with all my heart,I have nothing but sorrow. 我曾赤诚天真地爱过你,除了伤心难过,一无所得。

33、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的一章节。

34、you are my dream of dead. 你是我已死去的梦。

35、When distinction disguises the smile, is the final arewell tune. 分别时假装的微笑,是最后的告别曲。

36、Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person. 有时候,你想念的是记忆,不是人

37、I am not greed but I envy. 我没有贪婪但我羡慕海枯石烂

38、Afterlife strada solitaria, ho dovuto trovare qualcuno da servire. 来世路上太寂寞,我总得找个人伺候。

39、I love people who now hold . 我深爱的人现在抱着谁。

40、Please hours fly fast. 美好时光最易流逝

41、Never live in the past but always learn from it. 不要沉迷于过去,而是要从中吸取教训。

42、When I am silent to say all in the eyes. 当我沉默时 ,想说的话全在眼里。

43、The wind blows away the thoughts, rolled up unruly time.(被风吹散的思念,卷起不羁的时间)

44、No matter what label is thrown your way, only you can define yourself.不管你被贴上什么标签,只有你才能

45、Take chances, give everything, and leave with no regrets

46、Always like this, remembers are too few, forgets too many. 总是这样,记得的太少,忘记得太多

47、My heart is like a lion, loud, proud and fearless. 我的心就像一只狮子,响亮,骄傲而无畏。

48、I have a strong desire to be close to me you don't want to go. 我的占有欲很强 靠近了我你就别想走。

49、I have never missed anyone as much as I miss you. 我从没想念任何人,像想念你这么多。

50、It's great to have you in the world and I only wish that the time would be peaceful in our rest of lives

51、Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. 爱是单一的灵魂栖息在两个躯体里。

52、In the wind and snow, I was too old to show my joys and sorrows. 往后风雪肆意,我也过了显露悲喜的年纪。

53、Some wound s, a long time will slowly grow, some grievance, it also relieved. 有些伤口,时间久了就会慢慢长好,有些委屈,想 通了也就释然了。

54、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not. 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你。

55、Learn to see things, is to protect their best. 学着看淡一些事情,才是对自己最好的保护。

56、Maybe it's a pity to like it,but nut to have it(也许是有些遗憾,那么喜欢却不能拥有)

57、Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it'll happen. 凡事不要心急。时间对了,要来的总会来。

58、Life, half is memory, half is to continue. 生活,一半是回忆,一半是继续。


59、Finding the right person is the best luxury. 找到一个对的人,是给自己最好的奢侈品。

60、Old love, new love, between love and be loved, it is a misery. 旧爱、新欢,爱与被爱之间,就是一场苦难。

61、A person to survive all the sad, when you want it, time will give you. 一个人努力挺过所有心酸难过,之后你想要的,岁月它都会给你。

62、Youth pain although similar, but the youth story but each are not identical, 青春的疼痛虽然雷同,可是青春的故事却各不相同。


63、We draw further apart, but the same. 【vs】 我们背道而驰,最后却殊途同归。

64、If you see the shadow in front, do not be afraid, it is because the sun behind you...... 如果你看到面前的阴影,别怕,那是因为你的背后有阳光……

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暗恋初期黯然卑微的伤感心情签名 爱你似水的柔情








