Daniel has left. That was a brief but special encounter. The way we interacted made me realise it was possible to ‘stay in touch’ like that. Also some interesting perspective on expectations. I used to think it was negative, but now I see it as a more mature way of handling the ever going farewells in life. It was over for Will. How come it is not for me? What do I expect from him? Mark is coming back. I have not prepared myself for this. By procrastinating on texting back, I am actually quietly panicking. I guess I cannot guess what the real life would be like once I have him back in my life. When work is too much, giant baby gets annoying. In an adorable way though. Ah well at least I can yell back at him.
Daniel has left. That was a brief but special encounter. The way we interacted made me realise it was possible to ‘stay in touch’ like that. Also some interesting perspective on expectations. I used to think it was negative, but now I see it as a more mature way of handling the ever going farewells in life. It was over for Will. How come it is not for me? What do I expect from him? Mark is coming back. I have not prepared myself for this. By procrastinating on texting back, I am actually quietly panicking. I guess I cannot guess what the real life would be like once I have him back in my life. When work is too much, giant baby gets annoying. In an adorable way though. Ah well at least I can yell back at him.
茫茫人海中,找到个知心者还真是不容易呢,窗外阴天了 音乐低声了我的心开始想你了灯光也暗了 音乐低声了口中的棉花糖也融化了窗外阴天了 人是无聊了我的心开始想你...[全文阅读]
巍巍兴安岭,群山环抱中,有一个地方叫绥棱。在绥棱林业局的林场中,有一个于我来说有着特殊感情的,它的名字叫北股流。 我家是我上初中时搬到北股流林场的,那...[全文阅读]
蓄势待发 这几天,为了做课件,真的很累,也真的让我觉得心烦。不过,从做课件中,我遇到了许多制作课件的问题,而在我舍友的帮助下,我也将它们一个一个的解决了。我从一个...[全文阅读]
本文标题:Daniel has left