发布时间:2019-08-13 10:03:00
?Do you love me?
?Love or not love me?Don't say it so hard?If you don't love me?Why is good to me?If you don't love me?Why in front of me?I don't want to yout?Delay on a dare?You love who┌┐ □ └┘■ 〞 ˙•...•˙`˙ ╒╖ ╓╕" ╙╛﹏è` ╯з︶ āō , 、,ˊˋ、 `. ,′ ˋ . ˊ 1s my 1ove丶■ ゛Sorry ㏕*────── ?Oh! ﹏﹏ Baby, will you come back ▼▼╯with me? A person、 ?so terrible。 ︶︶﹊﹊︸╯??─────╮ ? 小心髒 ° Close friend ° Family ° Friend ° Passerby ╰─────?? ?-May╭--━━╮┃_﹂﹄_┃╰┳^┳╯ ┣—┫ babyWe have to keep it on ◥◢ ◤◣ Sometimes, ﹏﹏I just needこ someoneっwho can╮ ゜chat with me ◥◢ ◤◣ Sometimes, ﹏﹏you only needこ youっby my╮ ゜side with me , 、,ˊˋ、 `. ,′ ˋ . ˊ Your heartwhether Have I left trace??─────╮Rememberゝ Forever /ov3° ♥~ 閨蜜 Strangerゝ Closefriend Xh°╰─────???Do you love me?
?Love or not love me?Don't say it so hard?If you don't love me?Why is good to me?If you don't love me?Why in front of me?I don't want to yout?Delay on a dare?You love who┌┐ □ └┘■ 〞 ˙•...•˙`˙ ╒╖ ╓╕" ╙╛﹏è` ╯з︶ āō , 、,ˊˋ、 `. ,′ ˋ . ˊ 1s my 1ove丶■ ゛Sorry ㏕*────── ?Oh! ﹏﹏ Baby, will you come back ▼▼╯with me? A person、 ?so terrible。 ︶︶﹊﹊︸╯??─────╮ ? 小心脏 ° Close friend ° Family ° Friend ° Passerby ╰─────?? ?-May╭--━━╮┃_﹂﹄_┃╰┳^┳╯ ┣—┫ babyWe have to keep it on ◥◢ ◤◣ Sometimes, ﹏﹏I just needこ someoneっwho can╮ ゜chat with me ◥◢ ◤◣ Sometimes, ﹏﹏you only needこ youっby my╮ ゜side with me , 、,ˊˋ、 `. ,′ ˋ . ˊ Your heartwhether Have I left trace??─────╮Rememberゝ Forever /ov3° ♥~ 闺蜜 Strangerゝ Closefriend Xh°╰─────??越是熟悉你的人就越知道捅哪里会让你彻底的痛。1、他是我的命@,我是她的光@2、离你毁我,忘你亡我3、我爱过烂人,我红过眼睛4、你把我灌醉@,又不跟我睡@5、南乔几...[全文阅读]
曾几何时我以为我找到了我要的幸福,可是当我毫无保留的付出后,才发现原来一直都是我的一厢情愿。1、心態調整好~2、颜如舜华3、 长点脑子吧4、我会摘星星给你呀 5、...[全文阅读]
本文标题:好看的英文分组 Sometimes,I just need someone who can chat with me