

- I am not is a term you dallying fool,

发布时间:2020-06-28 05:53:57


NO 1.

I am not is a fool, is no longer as a child at your dallying doll.

NO 2.

I am not is a fool, is no longer as a child at your beat and scold not strike back puppet.

NO 3.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a be dead set on love with you that person.

NO 4.

I am not is a fool, no longer is no matter what things around you to turn a fool.

NO 5.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a heart to come out, let you hurt, let you in the above change of mouth.

NO 6.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a silent support you, love you, waiting for you.

NO 7.

I am not is a fool, is no longer think for you everywhere, everywhere in your first person.

NO 8.

I am not is a fool, is no longer with as a child in your ass back, let what you say will not leave you. NO 9.

You said I changed, yes, I was changed, but it is not self-deception to please you.

NO 10.

I'm ok, but you said: "you fucking true mean," "yes, I mean, I mean the hot face to stick your cold bottom, I mean love you so long, I mean the let go of your hand, but also in you scold, I fucking is base.

NO 11.

I am in, you told me to get. I walk, you call me back. I'm sorry, I have rolled away.

NO 12.

You're not the sun, what makes you want me to turn around you. You fucking is not the stars, with what want me to see you.

NO 13.

I am not is a fool, I bought, but also help you counted the money fool.我不在是一個傻瓜,不在是一個任你戲耍的玩偶我不在是一個傻瓜,不在是一個任你打罵的木偶我不在是一個傻瓜,不在是一個任你傷害的傻瓜我不在是一個傻瓜,不再是一個任你辱罵的蠢貨我在,你叫我滾。我滾,你要我回來。對不起,已經滾遠了。/////////

NO 1.

I am not is a fool, is no longer as a child at your dallying doll.

NO 2.

I am not is a fool, is no longer as a child at your beat and scold not strike back puppet.

NO 3.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a be dead set on love with you that person.

NO 4.

I am not is a fool, no longer is no matter what things around you to turn a fool.

NO 5.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a heart to come out, let you hurt, let you in the above change of mouth.

NO 6.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a silent support you, love you, waiting for you.

NO 7.

I am not is a fool, is no longer think for you everywhere, everywhere in your first person.

NO 8.

I am not is a fool, is no longer with as a child in your ass back, let what you say will not leave you. NO 9.

You said I changed, yes, I was changed, but it is not self-deception to please you.

NO 10.

I'm ok, but you said: "you fucking true mean," "yes, I mean, I mean the hot face to stick your cold bottom, I mean love you so long, I mean the let go of your hand, but also in you scold, I fucking is base.

NO 11.

I am in, you told me to get. I walk, you call me back. I'm sorry, I have rolled away.

NO 12.

You're not the sun, what makes you want me to turn around you. You fucking is not the stars, with what want me to see you.

NO 13.

I am not is a fool, I bought, but also help you counted the money fool.我不在是一个傻瓜,不在是一个任你戏耍的玩偶我不在是一个傻瓜,不在是一个任你打骂的木偶我不在是一个傻瓜,不在是一个任你伤害的傻瓜我不在是一个傻瓜,不再是一个任你辱骂的蠢货我在,你叫我滚。我滚,你要我回来。对不起,已经滚远了。/////////


1 从小,他就是个虚荣心极强的孩子。他很聪明,学习成绩一直很好。他欺负父母不认识字,从不让他们到学校,考了满分的试卷他放在书包里不给他们瞧。但他好几次从门缝里...[全文阅读]

因为你是我媳妇, 我是你老公,! (哪个男人写的?太牛了)

因为你是我媳妇儿。。有事儿没事儿。给我打个电话。。监视一下我干什么呢。。。这样儿。会很幸福、 っ ╰→推荐收听@美瞳@美瞳@网络红客。末小熙 “喜欢文字...[全文阅读]


【一】 っ ╰→推荐收听@美瞳@美瞳@网络红客。末小熙 “喜欢文字的朋友加“小熙”QQ:942912328,期待与你们成为朋友” 他一直都知道...[全文阅读]


1.疯疯癫癫的人,并不是什么都不懂,只是不敢认真而已。 っ ╰→推荐收听@美瞳@美瞳@网络红客。末小熙 “喜欢文字的朋友加“小熙”QQ:942912328,期待...[全文阅读]


【一】 っ ╰→推荐收听@美瞳@美瞳@网络红客。末小熙 “喜欢文字的朋友加“小熙”QQ:942912328,期待与你们成为朋友” 他一直都知道...[全文阅读]


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本文标题:- I am not is a term you dallying fool,



下一篇:- 假如我从未喜欢过你,那该多好,就不会承受你跟他带给我的伤痛 #



