


发布时间:2020-07-11 22:35:43


I wanna say goodbye

再無卷土重來愛你的勇氣At no stage a comeback love your courage

Girlfriends is terrible!(閨蜜很可怕!)

You give me fuck off, I don't want to see you!(你特麽給我滾蛋,我再也不想見到你!)

"MOTHER",a word that means the world to me.“媽媽”這個詞對我來說意味着整個世界。

I pretended to be indifferent to it 我假裝無所謂才看不到心被擰碎

Empty promises will wear 空洞的承諾總會磨損殆盡

There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界裏沒有愛情。

暑假我要待在生活日記網 ,逆襲。

Now thought is like a flower coquettish, false appearance with false words。

I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong我總是口是心非以至于你認爲我很堅強

How to say I love don't love you該如何開口對愛的人說我不愛你

Don't part with your illusions.

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.

I am waiting for a hug, hug all my uneasiness 我在等一個擁抱,擁抱我所有的不安

I think i will love you for a long time!「 我想我會愛你很久 ! 」

I love you too good,time it knows.我愛你太美好,時光它知道。

I have mercy on someone who is kind to me(我對别人仁慈誰對我仁慈)

If I again how effort you have put me as a waste

If I don't work hard is that all people will give up hope on me

As Long As Love You Justin My name is believed

You are my first You are mu last

You say as long as you happy with all my heart to leave isn't you of wrong is I have

If one day you groom dressed as others, I will not mention in the old days

I love the way lie.

”Chanel Mascaraつ

One who wants to wear the crown,bears the crown.

Are you ready

For a long time with is how long? Buried in the side enough.久伴是多久?葬在身邊夠不夠。

I am your traveler, you are my heart.--我是你的過客,你卻是我的心

you are mine!!

I will be your light,your match,your burning sun.

Do you still remember, once promised oneself what. 你是否還記得,曾經答應了自己什麽

'm leaving you because you never asked me to stay.

Love you like a joke

I always love a impossible person. 我願一直愛一個不可能的愛人

Don't need to shake my ass for you!

dove-Do you love me?

Another themselves partly hidden and partly visible.

You're so beautiful So damn beautiful...

I don't know what to say, I just suddenly in this moment miss you

You are the sun and I am the flower.

l will always miss you like a darling


Dear steal you a lifetime ,親愛的,偷你一輩子

For a long time with is how long? Buried in the side enough.久伴是多久?葬在身邊夠不夠。

I was his world traveler, but I like life love him.(我是他世界的過客,卻如命愛他。)

I hate you ,I dislike you ,because I loved you。(我恨你,讨厭你,應爲曾經愛過。)

有機會就有希望Have the opportunity to there is hope

My world only you then you have my shadow 、我的世界隻有你,那麽你的世界有我的影子嗎

It is never too late to be who you might have been.做回你自己,永遠都不嫌晚。

I wanna say goodbye

再无卷土重来爱你的勇气At no stage a comeback love your courage

Girlfriends is terrible!(闺蜜很可怕!)

You give me fuck off, I don't want to see you!(你特么给我滚蛋,我再也不想见到你!)

"MOTHER",a word that means the world to me.“妈妈”这个词对我来说意味着整个世界。

I pretended to be indifferent to it 我假装无所谓看不到心被拧碎

Empty promises will wear 空洞的承诺总会磨损殆尽

There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界里没有爱情。

暑假我要待在生活日记网 ,逆袭。

Now thought is like a flower coquettish, false appearance with false words。

I always say yes and mean no that you think that I was strong我总是口是心非以至于认为我很坚强

How to say I love don't love you该如何开口对爱的人说我不爱你

Don't part with your illusions.

The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.

I am waiting for a hug, hug all my uneasiness 我在等一个拥抱,拥抱我所有的不安

I think i will love you for a long time!「 我想我会爱你很久 ! 」

I love you too good,time it knows.我爱你太美好,时光它知道。

I have mercy on someone who is kind to me(我对别人仁慈谁对我仁慈)

If I again how effort you have put me as a waste

If I don't work hard is that all people will give up hope on me

As Long As Love You Justin My name is believed

You are my first You are mu last

You say as long as you happy with all my heart to leave isn't you of wrong is I have

If one day you groom dressed as others, I will not mention in the old days

I love the way lie.

”Chanel Mascaraつ

One who wants to wear the crown,bears the crown.

Are you ready

For a long time with is how long? Buried in the side enough.久伴是多久?葬在身边够不够

I am your traveler, you are my heart.--我是你的过客,你却是我的心

you are mine!!

I will be your light,your match,your burning sun.

Do you still remember, once promised oneself what. 你是否还记得,曾经答应了自己什么

'm leaving you because you never asked me to stay.

Love you like a joke

I always love a impossible person. 我愿一直爱一个不可能的爱人

Don't need to shake my ass for you!

dove-Do you love me?

Another themselves partly hidden and partly visible.

You're so beautiful So damn beautiful...

I don't know what to say, I just suddenly in this moment miss you

You are the sun and I am the flower.

l will always miss you like a darling


Dear steal you a lifetime ,亲爱的,偷你一辈子

For a long time with is how long? Buried in the side enough.久伴是多久?葬在身边够不够。

I was his world traveler, but I like life love him.(我是他世界的过客,却如命爱他。)

I hate you ,I dislike you ,because I loved you。(我恨你,讨厌你,应为曾经爱过。)

机会就有希望Have the opportunity to there is hope

My world only you then you have my shadow 、我的世界只有你,那么你的世界有我的影子吗

It is never too late to be who you might have been.做回你自己,永远都不嫌晚。











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