发布时间:2020-07-10 02:16:58
A little pot is soon hot [壺小易熱,量小易怒。]
在這個苦逼的班級 沒有自娛自樂的精神是很難愉快生活的
Thank you and me time. Time is not destroy us
If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encoun
If happy ever after did exist(如果童話世界的完美結局真的存在)
I have a place in your heart ? 我在你心中占有一席之地嗎?
No one like you.(無人像你)
I think that missing person today back to less than before當時的我想不到今天,錯過的人回不到從前。
In fact people are base not just want to get done will cherish其實人都是賤的。得不到的偏偏想要,得到
I see the future I see the future I see the future
I wanted you to be the one I loved 我要你成爲我唯一的愛
[ I wanted you to be there when I fall 我跌倒時要你陪在身邊 ]
Never say good bay.
Let me know if you would save me deep intention讓我知道哪怕水深火熱你也會救我似初衷
My world, I know a person is good.
昕寶貝兒:Don't break my heart。再次溫柔。
I love you know just don't agree 我喜歡你知道 隻是沒同意
I am a little tempted, but so afraid to look in your eyes 我對你有一點動心,卻如此害怕看你的眼睛
Crowded you really are my only.人潮擁擠你卻是我的唯一.
【Speaking of pain will be hard to refute】說到痛處才會拼命反駁
【When only between you and me by heard】當你我之間隻能靠聽說
【Unfortunately was never who determined choice too】 遺憾的是從沒被誰堅定的選擇過
【Don't want to cry, it is hard to smile】不想哭的話那就使勁笑吧
【Even though no one and you warm I will be your sun】即使無人與你溫暖我也會做你的太陽
我們從未真正長大,隻是在别人面前學會假裝。We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in publi
【You promise me no doubt】你的承諾 我竟沒懷疑過
【Separate in the most beautiful time】在最美的時候分開
【A person The End of Life】一個人地老天荒
【Because I have you and forget all my principles】我也曾因爲你而忘記了我所有原則
【Move difficult to repeat】感動難重複
【Everyone is in a different way to leave】每個人都在用不同的方式離開
Everyone has a story, just a different interpretation of the way.每個人都有故事,隻是演繹的方式不同
Love is not something you write down,it is something you feel.
陪伴與懂得,比愛情更加重要--Accompany and understand that more important than love
I learn to see through the wind behind it [我學會看透背後風]
[- Window angle projection of your light] 窗角投影你的光
Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.
Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.
Behind every great fortune,there is a crime
I don't want to lose you(我不願失去你)
I had been waiting long.
only you
光與影一秒鍾無法成爲對等 剪貼畫再次撕扯着變爲碎片
I love the way you lie. 我愛你說謊的樣子
I was so tangled, always indecisive
Moved from my head to my heart 從我的頭到我的心
你不去試,你永遠也不知道結果,所以去試試吧。If you don’t try, you’ll never know. So try
A little pot is soon hot [壶小易热,量小易怒。]
在这个苦逼的班级 没有自娱自乐的精神是很难愉快生活的
Thank you and me time. Time is not destroy us
If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encoun
If happy ever after did exist(如果童话世界的完美结局真的存在)
I have a place in your heart ? 我在你心中占有一席之地吗?
No one like you.(无人像你)
I think that missing person today back to less than before当时的我想不到今天,错过的人回不到从前。
In fact people are base not just want to get done will cherish其实人都是贱的。得不到的偏偏想要,得到
I see the future I see the future I see the future
I wanted you to be the one I loved 我要你成为我唯一的爱
[ I wanted you to be there when I fall 我跌倒时要你陪在身边 ]
Never say good bay.
Let me know if you would save me deep intention让我知道哪怕水深火热你也会救我似初衷
My world, I know a person is good.
昕宝贝儿:Don't break my heart。再次温柔。
I love you know just don't agree 我喜欢你知道 只是没同意
I am a little tempted, but so afraid to look in your eyes 我对你有一点动心,却如此害怕看你的眼睛
Crowded you really are my only.人潮拥挤你却是我的唯一.
【Speaking of pain will be hard to refute】说到痛处才会拼命反驳
【When only between you and me by heard】当你我之间只能靠听说
【Unfortunately was never who determined choice too】 遗憾的是从没被谁坚定的选择过
【Don't want to cry, it is hard to smile】不想哭的话那就使劲笑吧
【Even though no one and you warm I will be your sun】即使无人与你温暖我也会做你的太阳
我们从未真正长大,只是在别人面前学会假装。We never really grow up. We only learn how to act in publi
【You promise me no doubt】你的承诺 我竟没怀疑过
【Separate in the most beautiful time】在最美的时候分开
【A person The End of Life】一个人地老天荒
【Because I have you and forget all my principles】我也曾因为你而忘记了我所有原则
【Move difficult to repeat】感动难重复
【Everyone is in a different way to leave】每个人都在用不同的方式离开
Everyone has a story, just a different interpretation of the way.每个人都有故事,只是演绎的方式不同
Love is not something you write down,it is something you feel.
陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要--Accompany and understand that more important than love
I learn to see through the wind behind it [我学会看透背后风]
[- Window angle projection of your light] 窗角投影你的光
Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.
Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.
Behind every great fortune,there is a crime
I don't want to lose you(我不愿失去你)
I had been waiting long.
only you
光与影一秒钟无法成为对等 剪贴画再次撕扯着变为碎片
I love the way you lie. 我爱你说谎的样子
I was so tangled, always indecisive
Moved from my head to my heart 从我的头到我的心
你不去试,你永远也不知道结果,所以去试试吧。If you don’t try, you’ll never know. So try