


发布时间:2020-07-09 23:22:09


I want forget your love. 我祈求得到你的愛。

I love three things in this world . Sun for morning,moon for night and you for forever.

【you can you up,no can no bb.你行你就上,不行别BB.】

As beautiful as you,

And now l understand,What you tried to say to me,And how you suffered for your sanity

I fuckinghate you, thechest is big, youtouch you to finally say I SAO, I was you play dead, you aRE

because of you

Even if time go backwards, I won't be back【就算時間倒着走,我也不會再回頭】

Good night, good night, late night 晚安晚安晚晚難安

【Nothing lasts forever】沒什麽能永遠

Why nobody fights。

you can not sleep,wake up now!l love you,l need you...jack

why. ,why nobody fights.

no zuo no die why you try

no zuo no die why you try。

Time cut scar is called growth.時間劃破的傷疤叫做成長。

So many men.so many mind [ 人心各不同 ]

I pretended to be indifferent to it.我假裝無所謂才看不到心被擰碎

Love is a carefully designed lie. 愛情是一個精心設計的謊言。

Crowded I pull you tight 人潮擁擠我拉緊你。

Things won't end.

We draw further apart, but the same. 我們背道而馳最後卻殊途同歸

Glass is fragile heart 杯子易碎人心可謂。

- Waiting You At The Heart Of Time. 我在時光深處等你 .

Do not let yourself live like a joke. 不要讓自己活得像個笑話

Time cut scar is called growth.時間劃破的傷疤叫做成長。

I seem to see myself too important. 我好像把自己看的太過重要。

Man Always Remember Love Because of Romance Over(男人隻因浪漫而牢記愛情)

No rose without a thorn .沒有不帶刺的玫瑰

I would like to accompany you from the road to the grey-haired time.我願意陪你從青澀的時光到白發蒼蒼

hope is a bitch,

I have a distance and the world, it is called the fickleness of the world!

I only know I try, even if no results.{我隻知道我努力了,即使沒有結果。}

As if nothing happened, the original is the most ruthless revenge.(若無其事,原來是最狠的報複。

“Keep empowering yourself successfully. 堅持到底,必定成功。” 卓sir(使徒行者)

Time will never go backwards I also can't again 時光不會倒着走我也不會再回頭

A harit is loves always young.如果沒有相等的愛就讓我多愛一些吧。

You told me to be careful your heart

Dear, in addition to you who I also cherish the cross. 親愛的,除了妳我還珍昔過誰。

There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界裏沒有愛情。

I want very simple is time, you still我要的很簡單時光還在,你還在

I haven't seen him 我已經好久沒看到他了

To you of moss wan is, spread miles will red makeup.待你青絲绾正,鋪十裏紅妝可願。

Live beautifully, dream passionately and love completely. 活要活得美好,夢要夢得熱烈,愛要愛得完整。

Will always be inside my heart

You are my grip in the palm is not willing to let go of the pain.你是我握在手心裏也不肯放手的疼.

Thank you for once in my world。

Let it go

I Will Never Let You Down 我不會讓你失望

I want forget your love. 我祈求得到你的爱。

I love three things in this world . Sun for morning,moon for night and you for forever.

【you can you up,no can no bb.你行你就上,不行别BB.】

As beautiful as you,

And now l understand,What you tried to say to me,And how you suffered for your sanity

I fuckinghate you, thechest is big, youtouch you to finally say I SAO, I was you play dead, you aRE

because of you

Even if time go backwards, I won't be back【就算时间倒着走,我也不会再回头】

Good night, good night, late night 晚安晚安晚晚难安

【Nothing lasts forever】没什么能永远

Why nobody fights。

you can not sleep,wake up now!l love you,l need you...jack

why. ,why nobody fights.

no zuo no die why you try

no zuo no die why you try。

Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。

So many men.so many mind [ 人心各不同 ]

I pretended to be indifferent to it.我假装无所谓看不到心被拧碎

Love is a carefully designed lie. 爱情是一个精心设计的谎言。

Crowded I pull you tight 人潮拥挤我拉紧你。

Things won't end.

We draw further apart, but the same. 我们背道而驰最后却殊途同归

Glass is fragile heart 杯子易碎人心可谓。

- Waiting You At The Heart Of Time. 我在时光深处等你 .

Do not let yourself live like a joke. 不要让自己活得像个笑话

Time cut scar is called growth.时间划破的伤疤叫做成长。

I seem to see myself too important. 我好像把自己看的太过重要。

Man Always Remember Love Because of Romance Over(男人只因浪漫而牢记爱情)

No rose without a thorn .没有不带刺的玫瑰

I would like to accompany you from the road to the grey-haired time.我愿意陪你从青涩的时光到白发苍苍

hope is a bitch,

I have a distance and the world, it is called the fickleness of the world!

I only know I try, even if no results.{我只知道我努力了,即使没有结果。}

As if nothing happened, the original is the most ruthless revenge.(若无其事,原来是最狠的报复

“Keep empowering yourself successfully. 坚持到底,必定成功。” 卓sir(使徒行者)

Time will never go backwards I also can't again 时光不会倒着走我也不会再回头

A harit is loves always young.如果没有相等的爱就让我多爱一些吧。

You told me to be careful your heart

Dear, in addition to you who I also cherish the cross. 親愛的,除了妳我還珍昔過誰。

There is no love queen of the world.女王的世界里没有爱情。

I want very simple is time, you still我要的很简单时光还在,你还在

I haven't seen him 我已经好久没看到他了

To you of moss wan is, spread miles will red makeup.待你青丝绾正,铺十里红妆可愿。

Live beautifully, dream passionately and love completely. 活要活得美好,梦要梦得热烈,爱要爱得完整。

Will always be inside my heart

You are my grip in the palm is not willing to let go of the pain.你是我握在手心里也不肯放手的疼.

Thank you for once in my world。

Let it go

I Will Never Let You Down 我不会让你失望











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