


发布时间:2020-07-08 02:03:21


The first glanse heartbeat 第一眼的心跳

No one and you 無人及你


Life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through.(生命必須有裂縫,陽光才照得進來。)

[cp]Trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose,and the hardest thing in the world to get back.

So I am

I will be here for you all the time. 我會在這兒,一直爲你。

I hate memories, always let a person can't tell who he is.. 【我讨厭回憶,總讓人分不清自己到底是誰】

感謝那些發英文個簽附上翻譯的人 照顧着我們這些學渣

 I like to present myself. I miss out past!   我喜歡現在的自己,我懷念過去的我們

I am ordinary yet unique.   我很平凡,但是我獨一無二

 I look not beautiful but I have to do my own.   我長得不美,但我一直做我自己

get out my word(滾出我的世界)

He misses her, but he missed her (錯過隻在一瞬 思念卻是一世.)

Love to the depths of human loneliness.

somewhere only we know

Tough life needs no explanation.

why are you so diao? 你爲何這麽叼?

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.   任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

I love you not necessarily waiting for you, but waiting for your people must love you

You loves no longer in my mind(你的愛不再在我的腦海裏萦繞)

Can't break my heart the next time(我的心已受不了再次傷害)

He tried to be the one to catch her eye他試圖成爲她視線裏的唯一

You will be mine ,over time 你将會是我的,随着時間的推移

Tried the best she could to hide herself away試着最好的把自己藏起來

You can you up,no can no BB(你行你來,不行别BB)

I wanna be with you whenever lightning strikes無論電閃雷鳴我都會和你在一起

Every day may not be good...but there's something good in every day.

The clouds roll by.烏雲總會散去

Youth is a heavy rain, even cold, also hope to pour it back again.

最愛你的人是我 It is you who I love most

I could be your green eyed monster.

I want love or death.[我要愛或死亡]


Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 放棄之前,想想自己爲何堅持了這麽久

Don't look back,let it go.

call me baby .

Someday,someone is going to thank you for having let me go. 會有那麽一天有人感謝你幸虧放走了我

Thank you has been to my world

So much spice, so much pain.嘴巴那麽毒,内心一定是有很多苦吧!

Why don't like a personal confession? Because he seems to be on every girl is very good

You feel like a loser.你覺得你像個失敗者

sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you leas expect 有時候最适合你的人 恰恰是你最沒想到

[ 陪你走到底,隻要你願意.]


In the world of life(戲子入畫一生天涯)

用時間和心看人,而不是用眼睛。-------To see people in time and heart, not with your eyes.


The first glanse heartbeat 第一眼的心跳

No one and you 无人及你


Life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through.(生命必须有裂缝,阳光才照得进来。)

[cp]Trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose,and the hardest thing in the world to get back.

So I am

I will be here for you all the time. 我会在这儿,一直为你。

I hate memories, always let a person can't tell who he is.. 【我讨厌回忆,总让人分不清自己到底是谁】

感谢那些发英文个签附上翻译的人 照顾着我们这些学渣

 I like to present myself. I miss out past!   我喜欢现在的自己,我怀念过去的我们

I am ordinary yet unique.   我很平凡,但是我独一无二

 I look not beautiful but I have to do my own.   我长得不美,但我一直做我自己

get out my word(滚出我的世界)

He misses her, but he missed her (错过只在一瞬 思念却是一世.)

Love to the depths of human loneliness.

somewhere only we know

Tough life needs no explanation.

why are you so diao? 你为何这么叼?

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.   任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!

I love you not necessarily waiting for you, but waiting for your people must love you

You loves no longer in my mind(你的爱不再在我的脑海里萦绕)

Can't break my heart the next time(我的心已受不了再次伤害

He tried to be the one to catch her eye他试图成为她视线里的唯一

You will be mine ,over time 你将会是我的,随着时间的推移

Tried the best she could to hide herself away试着最好的把自己藏起来

You can you up,no can no BB(你行你来,不行别BB)

I wanna be with you whenever lightning strikes无论电闪雷鸣我都会和你在一起

Every day may not be good...but there's something good in every day.

The clouds roll by.乌云总会散去

Youth is a heavy rain, even cold, also hope to pour it back again.

最爱你的人是我 It is you who I love most

I could be your green eyed monster.

I want love or death.[我要爱或死亡]


Before you give up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 放弃之前,想想自己为何坚持了这么久

Don't look back,let it go.

call me baby .

Someday,someone is going to thank you for having let me go. 会有那么一天有人感谢你幸亏放走了

Thank you has been to my world

So much spice, so much pain.嘴巴那么毒,内心一定是有很多苦吧!

Why don't like a personal confession? Because he seems to be on every girl is very good

You feel like a loser.你觉得你像个失败者

sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you leas expect 有时候最适合你的人 恰恰是你最没想到

[ 陪你走到底,只要你愿意.]


In the world of life(戏子入画一生天涯)

用时间和心看人,而不是用眼睛。-------To see people in time and heart, not with your eyes.












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